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Sisters of fate (new role) #998

Open CrowdfordBot opened 1 year ago

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: sisters of fates (Solo)

the sisters of fate weave threads between all living people and may choose to burn the thread at any given time.

actions each sister may either tether 2 people together or ignite the thread which burns at the end of EACH phase

details During the night phase, a sister may choose to tether people together making their souls connected, they are added to a private channel where they can communicate. (the sisters are added to the channel aswell). if anyone in the thread is killed, the entire thread is destroyed (everyone in the thread dies) if a sister chooses to burn the thread, they may start a fire at any link in the chain and choose a direction for the thread to burn. the first person at the chosen location dies immediately, and the thread will continue to burn at the beginning of each phase (day and night). the sisters are not disguised. if the thread is broken by any abilities, the thread will stop burning at that spot and must be reignited in order to have the thread burn further. if the thread is in 2 pieces and is not ignited, they must join the thread back together in order to burn it.

alternate option the sisters do not know eachother at the beginning of the game they both receive their own private channel with the people in the thread. if someone from one thread is connected to the other thread, the sisters both join the same chat. (chat becomes 1) if a sister attempts to add a sister to the thread, they are immediately notified and join a sister chat together.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Snivy-Ace13: Oooooooh

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


(the sisters are added to the channel aswell). via whispers or directly?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: as "sister", so whispers

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: or whatever the shep and devil have

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Ts: yea

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: and if they join the threads and are added to the same channel, they still dont know their identity. which would add some funny chats to the channel, in them trying to find eachother without telling everyone else in the channel who they are

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: the only way to 100% find eachother is by joining a sister to the thread

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: also, to add to the "if someone in the thread dies everyone dies" point. it does seem strong but i think it would force the other teams to work together to find the sisters.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: and be cautious of who they kill.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: oh. and of course, win con is they kill everyone or have everyone in the thread

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: might need some work but thats my starting point anyways 🤷‍♂️

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Snivy-Ace13: Maybe the win con can be of any other solo killing and win when they are the only ones remaining

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: yeah, last ones alive.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Snivy-Ace13: Oh sorry you alr said tha

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: all good 🙂

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: is there a way to have someone in whispers in a channel and also as a player in a channel? meaning i am shepard talking in whisper (pretend this is what happens) i am also herded, i can use either to chat as shep- hi huck- oh hello.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: cuz if thats possible then i might suggest that the sister could be added to the thread but if the thread burns, they do not, and would extinguish the flame, also, if the thread gets killed, they do not die. or do idk. just a curious thought.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Ts: yea they can be there with whispers and normally

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: that way people cant just use the logic of "well this person isnt in the thread so it might be them"

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: its kind of like horsemen except they all share the same ability, and dont transform into a different role later

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: Well there can be sister variants and all that that do different thread stuff <:hepi:828690030419116133>

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: feels a bit like honse + pyro

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: i mean, thats a pretty interesting combination

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: eh i wouldnt say its like pyro actually. like if you changed the terms burn and ignite, the association would be way less

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: like if it was cutting the thread instead of burning (makes more sense thematically)

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: like all solo powers, it has to go away when the team dies off

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: i personally think that all the sisters should have the same abilities, and they would thrive if coordinating, but since they need to thread eachother in order to coordinate, it puts obstacles in the way of that.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: but also, threading eachother is bad in the sense that, if the thread "ignites" itll stop at them and they would be outted.... so pros and cons of finding eachother.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Vera but actually a frog: i think this is a bit too similar to pyro with its igniting

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Vera but actually a frog: feels like a new shepherd (in the way that it sounds like a weird mixup of roles)

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: Well, the keyword can be changed of course, and I think there are enough mechanical differences that would make the strat different than the other solo roles. Main one being that once people start being tethered together, an attack of any means would kill the whole thread. Which means teams would have to work together to find the sisters.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Captain Luffy: Yeah definitely need to change the term away from ignite and burn

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: Corrupt Unravel Taint

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: Changed the term to cut

Also, to separate it from the shep further. People added to the thread are added to a private channel, but the only way for the sisters to be in the channel is by sharing a soul in the thread. Meaning, they could have multiple people threaded, but unless they have a mutual person in their thread, they do not participate in the private chat (they still whisper)

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: And furthermore, when they are added to the thread chat, they still won’t know each others identity as they will both be whispering.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

Snivy-Ace13: What if the sisters can kill someone for every 4 people chained

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: Well, they can already kill, they just have to have people threaded, then they can begin to cut the thread.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: But also, that gives me a thought. Instead of the thread continually being cut each phase change. To separate it from a pyro feel. They can only kill (cut) people in the thread.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: Meaning, their actions are, cut a piece of the thread or thread 2 people together.

The effect that, if someone in the thread dies (by wolf/ lynch/ other means) the whole thread dies still remains Only the sisters can remove a single piece of the thread.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: if these changes make it more suitable for a new role, let me know and I’ll update the description

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: updated the description in an attempt to make it feel different than existing roles.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: Are threads the entire sc or only links made?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: I would think the entire thread.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: But could be interesting if it was just the links.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: If it’s the entire thread it might be too aggressive or it’s just me

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: Because if you can link 2 people each night that’s a lot

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: And this lets wolves, if they manage to, murder the entirety of town with only a few sacrifices

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: Action redirections between links would be cool but that’d feel out of place and somewhat similar to reaper

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

huckhuck55: keep in mind though, to have a large thread, they have to link someone thats already in the thread as one of the links.

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

!Phantomtomic: …