Evaluates solar radiation and rain and thus generates the corresponding duration
sunshinetime = Value when sunshine duration is recorded in W/m²
sunshineDur = Sunshine duration value in the archive interval in seconds
rainDur = rain duration value in the archive interval in seconds
hailDur = rain duration value (Ecowitt-Piezo) in the archive interval in seconds
sunshineDur2 = Sunshine duration value in the archive interval in seconds for 2. DAVIS station (e.g. live or console)
rainDur2 = Rain duration value in the archive interval in seconds for 2. DAVIS station (e.g. live or console)
group_deltatime = hour
algorithm = rs
atc = 0.9
process_services = ..., weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate, user.sunrainduration.SunshineDuration
min_sunshine = 120 # Entry of extension radiationhours.py, if is installed (= limit value)
sunshine_coeff = 0.91 # Factor from which value sunshine is counted - the higher the later
sunshine_min = 18 # below this value (W/m²), sunshine is not taken into account.
sunshine_loop = 1 # use for sunshine loop packet (or archive: sunshine_loop = 0)
rainDur_loop = 0 # use for rain duration loop packet - default is not
hailDur_loop = 0 # use for piezo-rain duration loop packet - default is not
sunshine_log = 0 # should not be logged when sunshine is recorded
rainDur_log = 0 # no logging for rain duration
hailDur_log = 0 # no logging for piezo-rain duration
rain2 = 0 # no rain2 available (Davis Live, Davis Console)
sunshine2 = 0 # no shunhine2 available (Davis Live, Davis Console)
sunshine2_loop = 1
rainDur2_loop = 0
sunshine2_log = 0
rainDur2_log = 0
The "atc = 0.9" and "sunshine_coeff = 0.91" have to be adjusted for your own location.
With this adjustment, the sunshine duration values are very accurate and also work for other stations (e.g. Ecowitt),
not just VantagePro.
add_sunrain.sh: Weewx (v4.5.0 to V4.10.2)
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=sunshinetime --type=REAL
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=sunshineDur --type=REAL
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=rainDur --type=REAL
# for Ecowitt Stations and two rain sensors (WS90 and WH40)
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=hailDur --type=REAL
# only for second station (like VantagePro and VantageVUE)
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=sunshineDur2 --type=REAL
sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=rainDur2 --type=REAL
Weewx V5.0 or newer:
#sudo echo "y" | weectl database add-column sunshine_time
weectl database add-column sunshinetime --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
weectl database add-column sunshineDur --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
weectl database add-column rainDur --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
#weectl database add-column hailDur --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
#weectl database add-column sunshineDur2 --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
#weectl database add-column rainDur2 --type=REAL --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf -y
extension.py: ( not more needed - now in sunrainduration.py included )
import weewx.units
weewx.units.obs_group_dict['sunshinetime'] = 'group_radiation'
weewx.units.obs_group_dict['hailDur'] = 'group_deltatime'
weewx.units.obs_group_dict['sunshineDur2'] = 'group_deltatime'
weewx.units.obs_group_dict['rainDur2'] = 'group_deltatime'
color = "#e8e81b"
color = "#a7a7aa"
color = "red"
label = Sonnenschein
fill_color = "#ecf402"
plot_type = bar
color = "#ea078b"
plot_type = bar
yscale = 0.0, 15, 2.5
data_type = sunshineDur / 60
y_label = "Minuten"
label = Sonnenschein
title = Solarstrahlung und Dauer
time_length = day_ago_to_now
time_ago = 2
name = Solarstrahlung
zIndex = 1
color = "#ffc83f"
name = Theor. Max Solarstrahlung
type = area
color = "#f7f2b4"
yAxis_label = "W/m2"
name = Sonnenschein
color = "#ea078b"
yAxis_label = "Solarstrahlung W/m2"
aggregate_type = sum
type = column
yAxis = 1
yAxis_min = 0
yAxis_softMax = 3
color = "#eae7c5"
zIndex = 2
For the rain duration history or sun duration history in the Belchertown skin you need my modified belchertown.py file
time_length = year_ago_to_now
title = Regen Jahr
type = line
yAxis = 1
name = Regen gesamt
time_length = year_ago_to_now
aggregate_type = sum
type = column
yAxis_min = 0
yAxis_softMax = 14
color = "blue"
yAxis = 1
yAxis_min = 0
color = red
yAxis_label = "Regendauer in Std."
name = Regendauerverlauf
zIndex = 2
aggregate_type = sum
type = column
yAxis_min = 0
yAxis_softMax = 10
color = "yellow"
yAxis = 1
yAxis_min = 0
color = red
yAxis_label = "Sonnenscheindauer in Std"
name = Sonnenscheindauerverlauf
zIndex = 2
title = Sonnendauer
aggregate_interval = 3600
aggregate_type = sum
type = column
yAxis_min = 0
yAxis_softMax = 3
color = "#eae7c5"
yAxis_label_unit = "Stunden"
yAxis = 1
yAxis_min = 0
color = red
yAxis_label = "Sonnenscheindauer in Std"
name = Sonnenscheindauerverlauf
zIndex = 2
Bootstrap History:
obs_type = sunshineDur
colors = sunshineDur, hour
aggregate_type = sum
units = h
summary_column = true
summary_heading = Std.
obs_type = rainDur
colors = rainDur, hour
aggregate_type = sum
units = h
summary_column = true
summary_heading = Std.