Wesely / tomato-sandwich

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Github repo: Link: https://github.com/Wesely/tomato-sandwich SSH: git@github.com:Wesely/tomato-sandwich.git

Thank you for taking your time to review this project :)

I uphold the spirit of "keeping it simple". When encountering complex logic, I skip it for the time being and jot it down in the Misc section at the end of this document. Sometimes, I opt for a more humorous approach. :)

Web version of this documentation? Check it out here.

I use a GitHub project to make my plans. They're not very detailed but I've included previews in each step. Check out the project here.


Example Image: Image

  1. Match the Java version in AndroidStudio. Go to Settings and search for Gradle.
  2. Under Gradle, set the Gradle JDK to Java 17 (example: jbr-17).
  3. Currently can build with Android Studio > Build > Build APK

Basic Architecture

Example Image: Image

Thoughts When I'm making decision

Some of them might not used in the end.
