WestleyArgentum / maplight-scraper

A scraper for data not accessible via the MapLight API
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MapLight Scraper

MapLight presents an enourmous amount of interesting data on their website, and these tools can help you get access to it. Also check out MapLight.jl if you're interested in using their API.

Getting Started

Bulk Data

Inside ./maplight-data you'll find bulk data files that detail industry positions on different versions of bills. This data will be the basis for our further work.


This repo is set up to be a node package for scraping maplight. There are two main datasets it can pull down, bill "descriptions" (information about which chamber a bill was in, what actions were taken on it, etc) and "contributions" (information about contributions from interest groups invested in the vote).

To run the scraper:

cd maplight-scraper

npm install

node scraper.js "./maplight-data/<bulk data file>" ["descriptions" | "contributions"]


This repo also comes with a munger.jl script that will combine all the scraped descriptions and output a more consumable json dictionary with properties:

To run the munger, open a Julia REPL and run:

julia> require("munger.jl")

julia> run_all("./maplight-data/<bulk data file>", "<dir containing scraped bill data>", "<output bill data>", "<output industry list>")