WhatsThatItsPat / ionic-shrinkage

Directive for Ionic 2 to cause headers to shrink & reveal, in parallactic fashion, based on user scrolling.
ISC License
18 stars 2 forks source link


ionic-shrinkage is a directive for Ionic 2 to cause headers to shrink & reveal, in parallactic fashion, based on user scrolling.

NOTE: This was built alongside Beta.11 of Ionic, and will be updated to Ionic 2.0 when it's final (or perhaps the release candidates, but we'll see).

I was in the pool


npm install ionic-shrinkage --save

Usage Example


import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Content } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Shrinkage } from 'ionic-shrinkage';

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html',
  directives: [ Shrinkage ]
export class HomePage {
  // We bind content to the shrinkage attribute in the HTML template
  @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;

  // Necessary for the change() method below
  @ViewChild(Shrinkage) shrinkage;

  constructor() {}

  // If you use Structural Directives to add or remove items in the header,
  // you'll have to call resize() on both content and the shrinkage directive.
  change(e) {


<ion-header [shrinkage]="content">

    <ion-title>I was in the pool!</ion-title>

  <!--Structural Directives need to be accounted for with the resize() method --> 
  <ion-toolbar no-border-top *ngIf="showSearch">


<!--Note the fullscreen attribute-->
<ion-content class="home" fullscreen>

  <!--Enough content to scroll-->

    <!--change() will resize the content and header via the directive-->
    <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="showSearch" (ionChange)="change()"></ion-toggle>


Requirements & Notes


  1. Resize method.
  2. Improve performance or provide fallback animation / cancellation for older devices.
    • Shrinkage works like butter on an iPhone 6s, but is janky on iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 (with Crosswalk). Though both of those devices are from 2012, and possibly not worth fussing about.
    • Perfomance advice and device testing are welcome.
  3. Hide footers & tabs.
  4. Consider independently hiding toolbars within a header.


Patrick McDonald (Github / Twitter)


This project is licensed under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more info.