WhizUs / vault-plugin-database-opendistro

OpenDistro for Elasticsearch Database Secrets Engine
Mozilla Public License 2.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

OpenDistro for Elasticsearch Database Secrets Engine

based on the original plugin

This plugin provides unique, short-lived credentials for Elasticsearch using OpenDistro.

Tested with Opendistro Security Plugin 1.6.0 and Vault 1.4.1.

Getting Started

For this plugin to work, you must first install OpenDistro.


To build this plugin simply run

$ go build -o build/vault-plugin-database-opendistro ./cmd/vault-plugin-database-opendistro


Enable database secrets engine

$ vault secrets enable -path=example database

Configure which roles can be used with

$ vault write example/config/opendistro \
    plugin_name="vault-plugin-database-opendistro" \
    allowed_roles="internally-defined-role,externally-defined-role" \
    username=admin \
    password=admin \
    url=http://localhost:9200 \

Define external role which will be used when new users a generated

vault write example/roles/externally-defined-role \
  db_name=opendistro \
                          "opendistro_role_permissions": { 
                            "index_permissions": [ 
                                "index_patterns": [ 
                                "allowed_actions": [ 
                        }' \
  default_ttl="10m" \

Generate User

Read the cred by previously defined role

$ vault read example/creds/externally-defined-role
  Key                Value
  ---                -----
  lease_id           example/creds/externally-defined-role/w0MfpmzZ0jkWAyS1rnOvICSg
  lease_duration     10m
  lease_renewable    true
  password           A1a-9TzAGce3tbyePZvZ
  username           v_token_externally-defi_KxTRtdypZt5z4Dpy9AWW_1572991043

Try to add a new document with the new user and pass

$ curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:9200/test-index-1/_doc \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -u v_token_externally-defi_KxTRtdypZt5z4Dpy9AWW_1572991043:A1a-9TzAGce3tbyePZvZ \ 
      -d '{
          }' | jq

Expected result looks like this



The Vault plugin system is documented on the Vault documentation site.

You will need to define a plugin directory using the plugin_directory configuration directive, then place the vault-plugin-database-opendistro executable generated above in the directory.

Register the plugin using

vault write sys/plugins/catalog/vault-plugin-database-opendistro \
    sha256=$(shasum -a 256 vault-plugin-database-opendistro | cut -d " " -f 1) \