Wielkimati / GBFR-Slimepede-Farm

Just some AutoHotKey scripts
MIT License
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Granblue Fantasy: Relink Slimepede Farm

Simple AutoHotKey script I made for grinding the 'Slimepede' mission in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. Grinding it is a slog, and I wanted to automate that so that I can leave my pc when I go to sleep.

Written using AutoHotKey V2.

General Information

This script was made with Rackham as your active character in mind. It will:

This was made with consistency in mind. The idea is to have Rackham aggro as many slimes he can, so he, and the rest of your CPU team, can just nuke the remaining slimes in hopes of spawning the rainbow one. The spawn rate for him is very low though, but I still managed to get 3 killed when I left this script running during the night for testing.

I tried writting the version of this script that'd not go back into the town, but there was always the problem of everything getting slightly out of sync due to varying loading times and stuff across the machines. This is the most consistent version I came up with, so I hope it'll help someone else.

I've also attached another script for spamming left mouse button, so you can burn through your knicknack vouchers more easily after grinding, without developing the famous carpal tunnel syndrome.


You don't need to have AHK V2 installed if you use this script like this. Should work on any Windows machine out of the box.


You can also just download the repo and compile the scripts yourself using AHK2EXE. It has the option of compiling V2 scripts.

Alternatively, running the scripts as-is, without compiling, is also an option if you have AHK V2 installed.


This script expects you're using default keyboard + mouse keybinds provided by the game. Apart from that, here's the keybinds used by scripts themselves.

As for the rest of the team, probably anything will work. I used Narmaya, Zeta and Ferry for this. But, after talking about it with other people using scripts to grind this quest, it seems like the best choice would be running Eugen, Id in your team.


Following is optional, but I recommend before doing this, go to your settings and:

Following settings are not optional:

For actual script usage, it's like this:

And you're ready. The point of doing that is so Slimepede can be consistently selected from quest list with just left mouse clicks. If you want to test if you've done this correctly, then just go to quest counter again and see if you can accept new Slimepede quest using just left mouse clicks.

After that, you're pretty much done. Make sure to focus your game window and press F1 to begin the grind. Currently the script sends the inputs to whatever window you have selected, so don't focus your Firefox window or something else by mistake.

You can end the grinding any time you'd like by pressing Shift + Escape combo. After that, the program will exit and will need to be run again from .exe to continue.

Video example

Click the image below to be redirected to an example of this working on YouTube.

Video Example

Carpal Tunnel Begone

Just a cool nice-to-have I've included as a bonus, since I already made it. Useful if you don't want to develop carpal tunnel syndrome from transmuting sigils. Basically spams left mouse click. Usage:

No need to restart the script from .exe when you disable it, like with Slime script.


Created by @Wielkimati