Wieloswiat / nodebb-plugin-ws-dice

Dice throws integrated with timeline
MIT License
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Dice Plugin for NodeBB

A dice plugin integrated with topic events (for display on Persona timeline or other implementation of events)

Throwing dice

Add /roll <dice string> into a post. This supports most common dice notations - from the basic xdY (for example 4d6 for four 6 sided dice), through addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (for example 2d8+4d4*5 will roll 2 d8 dice and add the result to a sum of a roll of 4 d4 dice multiplied by 5), to dropping lowest/highest dice (xdYdl1/xdYdh1) or counting successes (5d6>3 will return number of dice that were above 3). See RPG Dice Roller documentation for the full and current information on supported notation: https://dice-roller.github.io/documentation/guide/notation/


npm install nodebb-plugin-ws-dice