WietseWind / xrpl-tx-exporter-csv

Export all XPRL transactions to CSV
21 stars 10 forks source link

XRPL transaction exporter npm version

This small node app fetches all transactions for an account and returns the results in CSV (when called from the command line) or as a parsed object (when used as a node module).

Uses xrplcluster.com full history nodes.

Exported columns:

Run: commandline (to CSV)


npm install

If you are new to anything code / nodejs related:

  1. Install nodejs, 2:30 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gVK6fp3UOo
  2. Download this source: https://github.com/WietseWind/xrpl-tx-exporter-csv/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
  3. Extract the ZIP and open your commandline, navigate to the folder where you extracted the ZIP
  4. Type: npm install
  5. Run (see below)


node index.js {account} eg. node index.js rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY

Store output as CSV

node index.js {account} > {somefile} eg. node index.js rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY > export.csv

Run: as a module

Import app and call as function.

Call: app(account, callback). See example use in index.js

Run: browser

Ready to use: dist/index.html

Get the browserified version from the dist folder, and see run as module. Ready to use: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/xrpl-tx-export/dist/xrpl-tx-export.js

Sample: https://jsfiddle.net/WietseWind/vtL3msaw

Build for the browser using npm run build if working from source.