WikiMapper / WikiViz

An interactive, real-time semantic visualizer of Wikipedia
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WikiViz: Graph Visualization of Wikipedia Article Titles and Embedded Links.

Visualize and explore a graph of the embedded links within a Wikipedia article. The initial Wikipedia article title is the central node and titles of embedded links appear as child nodes distributed around the central node. Click on child nodes to reveal their embedded links and continue to grow your graph of article titles!

This project is in its early stages and will continue to grow with new features. If something is not working or you would like a new feature, please use the issues page.


Michael Tseng Joseph Sample Farhad Ghayour Autumn Fjeld James Wilson


Click for a demo: WikiViz.


You can simply fork and clone (or download) WikiViz into your local directory:

  $ git clone


Install all dependencies:

  $ npm install

Then, fire up the node server:

  $ node app/app.js

Go ahead and enter a URL and clik on articles nodes for further exploration.

Code base:

Tech Stack

Angular D3
Node.js Express
Heroku Alchemy API (NLP)


We'll be adding more features; that said, if you'd like a feature or have any questions, let us know via a pull request.