WikiMovimentoBrasil / wikiscore

Ferramenta criada para validar edições e contabilizar a pontuação de participantes dos wikiconcursos na Wikipédia lusófona
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

<img src=""/> Quality Gate Status Endpoint Badge


This is an tool used to manage contests created and managed by WikiMovimento Brasil. It allows evaluators to validate editions made to articles participating in said contests, and also adds up the points earned by participants. Different contest evaluators can have their own profile, and their own separate validation history of the contributions they have checked.

The system's informations comes from local databases, which contain the data on the articles editions. These databases are fed by cron jobs, which must be set up separetely.

Running the script locally

Use the following command:

php -S

Then visit on your prefered browser.

Setting up a new Wiki Contest

Define database connection credentials

If you use Toolforge, credentials for connecting to the database are automatically registered. If you use another host, credentials must be entered on the bin/connect.php file.

Set up a new database and tables

Create a new database for the contest. Instructions for the tables are described in Initial.sql.

Add the contest

Please check the instructions on this repository's wiki for instructions.

Setting up cron jobs

The update.php script must be set up to run at every 10 minutes to feed the contests' databases. It is responsible for gathering the information on:

  1. new editions made in listed articles,
  2. which users are participating in the contest,
  3. mark edits made by participants on edit's table, if made after the participant's time of enrollment,
  4. checks if users has been renamed during the course of the contest,
  5. if any previous edition has been reverted, unmade or deleted


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


GNU General Public License v3.0


This application was developed by the Wiki Movimento Brasil User Group.