WildCodeSchool / 2023-01-EN-Berlin-Remote2-Project3Planning

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Project 3 Planning


An order/table management system for a casual dining restaurant that is intended to optimise the restuaurant's food-serving operations.

The real-life quantity or metric that the app attempts minimize is the time it takes from the moment the customer is seated until they are served, called the sit-to-serve time.

Core Mission

The core mission of the application is to manage the lifecycle of the order items.

An order item is "placed" when the customer orders a menu item, it is "ready" when the item has been prepared, and it is "served" when it is at the table (the terminal and desired end state for such an item).

Side Mission

An important side mission of the application is to manage the lifecycle of tables.

A table is "idle" when it is available for customers, it is "occupied" when there are people by it, "needs cleaning" when it is no longer occupied but needs cleaning, etc.

It is unclear if the design should support bookings, at this stage, in which case more states will be required.


The sit-to-serve time is composed of:

  1. The time it takes for the customer to have access to a waiter/waitress for ordering
  2. The time it takes the waiter/waitress to decide the menu item that needs to be ordered
  3. The time it takes for the order item information to be transmitted to the right production stations
  4. If the production station is able to fullfill the order, then the remaining breakdown is:
    • The time it takes for the production station to make the food/drink
    • The time it takes for the order item to be picked up and delivered to the table
  5. If the production station is unable to fullfill the order, then the remaining breakdown is:
    • The time it takes for the production station to communicate the inability to fulfill the order item to the waiter/waitress
    • The time it takes for the waiter/waitress to communicate this to the customer and decide what to do next
    • If the customer decided not to order anything as a result, the breakdown stops here.
    • If a new order item is requested instead, which can be fulfilled, then the remaining breakdown is:
    • The time it takes for the production station to make the food/drink
    • The time it takes for the order item to be picked up and delivered to the table
    • If a new order item is requested instead, which also cannot be fulfilled, then the remaining breakdown is recursive and unpredictable, and basically follows the breakdown of point (5) above.


We agreed to try to solve problems in the domain, and understand that some discussions in the team will target restaurant operations, rather not just coding and fullstack development.

Restaurant type

Considering the many variations in restaurant types and service, which are nicely explained on Wikipedia. We chose to target the casual dining (also called the sit-down restaurant) type, for being a representative of the most common type of restaurant encountered.

This assumption will simplify a lot of the design decisions and make it possible to build a relevant MVP (more on this next).

Implementation strategy

In the first phase we aim solely for an MVP (a Minimum Viable Product) meaning that anything that does not fit the core mission statement above will be dropped initially until a fully functional, but a minimal, application is achieved.

Cloud-based vs. LAN-based

TODO: on-going discussion


User roles

TODO: who will use this application


  1. Waiter/waitress/self-service/cashier (anyone ordering food, usually they also serve the food)
  2. Barista/barman/waiter (anyone serving drinks)
  3. Cheff (anyone making food)
  4. Runners (anyone picking up the food and taking it to the table)

Order States

TODO: do we need a state machine for the order itself? probably not

Order-item States

state "ITEM ORDERED" as ordered
state "ITEM IN PREPARATION" as prepared
state "ITEM READY" as ready
state "ITEM SERVED" as served
state "ITEM REJECTED" as rejected

[*] --> ordered
ordered --> rejected : station declines
rejected --> ordered : new item is ordered instead
rejected --> [*] : customer cancels item order
ordered --> prepared : station accepts
ordered --> [*] : customer cancels item order
prepared --> ready
ready --> served : runner delivers the item
served --> [*] : item is payed for

Table States

TODO: using a state diagram in markdown and later using an XSTATE library visualizer

Signup Sequences

TODO: a sequence diagram showing the steps needed to make an account