WildPHP / irc-bot

A simple and modular PHP IRC bot
MIT License
84 stars 24 forks source link
bot irc irc-bot php wildphp

Wild IRC Bot

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An advanced and scriptable PHP IRC bot.

It is designed to run off a local LAMP, WAMP, MAMP stack or just plain PHP installation. No web server is required, only a working PHP installation.

System requirements

In order to run WildPHP, we ask a few things from your system. Notably:

IRC Community & Support

If you need help or just want to idle in the IRC channel join us at #wildphp@irc.freenode.net. Development discussion in #wildphp-dev@irc.freenode.net.

Features and Functions

Right now this version of the bot is under heavy development, therefore the feature list is not definitive. We will update this once a reliable list becomes available.


To install the latest development build, you need Composer. Install WildPHP using the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/WildPHP/irc-bot
$ cd irc-bot
$ composer install

This will pull all Composer dependencies required to run the bot.

Please note that the bot may be unstable and that it might not even start. Please file a bug if you encounter an issue!


Copy the example configuration file and edit it to suit your needs. Carefully read the comments.

$ cp config/config.sample.php config/config.php

Running the bot

While you can run the bot in a terminal it is best to run it in tmux or screen so that it can run in background.

$ php bin/wildphp.php

Alternatively, a systemd service is included. Edit it (carefully read the comments), then drop it in /etc/systemd/system/. Issue a systemctl daemon-reload afterwards and you should be able to use the service.


You can see the full list of contributors in the GitHub repository.

Major & Past Major Contributors