WildPetScience / Specification

Specification for the Wild Pet Science 1B group project.
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We want to use a public ID to view data and not have authentication #19

Closed w-shackleton closed 9 years ago

w-shackleton commented 9 years ago

Remove the specification of using Google accounts, switch to public / private API key design.

rogersnm commented 9 years ago

Not sure about this, I don't think user accounts will be any more difficult to implement and the sense of ownership they can bring to the end-user/child may be beneficial

Baltoli commented 9 years ago

I think that adding user accounts is a fairly orthogonal issue to the project - having a key still means that users can see "their" data, it just makes our lives a lot easier implementing things.

rogersnm commented 9 years ago

I don't necessaarily agree that user accounts are an orthogonal issue given the limited brief we had..

Children should be able to use the data they collect to make comparisons between their own pets and wild animals

Whilst a key would facilitate this comparison, it's not really child friendly.

Baltoli commented 9 years ago

Decided to use a public ID in the interests of effort and time.