WildPetScience / Specification

Specification for the Wild Pet Science 1B group project.
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Wild Pet Science - Specification

Background & Motivation

Children often have a small pet - for example, a hamster or a gerbil. This project aims to use the sense of ownership children often feel about their pets to drive an interest in science by allowing children to gather interesting statistics about their pet. Professional ecological studies use sophisticated techniques such as sonar and GPS to track animals, but this project aims to take a low cost and user-friendly approach using widely available computing hardware together with custom software.

Overview and Use Cases

The Wild Pet Science project allows users to compare their pets' behaviour to other pets and animals in the wild. Our main metric for comparison will be the movement of the animal, using a computer and small digital camera that tracks the position of a pet in its cage. Image processing techniques will be applied to prepare the data, along with statistical analysis to infer information about routine and habits. The collected data can then be compared to the pets of other users of the software and some wild animals (using publicly available data from Movebank).

Project Success Criteria

The project will be judged as having been successful if the following system functionality exists in a correct, well tested and well-documented state:

Additionally, there are some important criteria relating to how the project is managed and administered that will factor into our evaluation of success:

If the above criteria are met then the project will be judged a success.

System Components

The system will consist of the following components:

These components will be developed independently and concurrently by the team.


The client software will run on a small, network-connected computer with a camera attached that is capable of processing the live video into data to be uploaded to the server. Our solution will be developed and tested on Raspberry Pi devices, as they are easily available to all members of the team, and are a reasonable choice of such a device (for end users) in the real world.

Image Capture

The client software should provide an interface through which images can be captured by a digital camera. These images should be captured as frequently as possible on the client device and processed locally on the client device. This processing should consist of motion detection capable of calculating the variation in position of some object (in this case, an animal) over time.

Application safety around children

At no point shall the application upload images taken from the camera to the website; all images are to be processed locally into data that contains no image data to avoid the risk of remotely storing images that potentially could contain children. Additionally, no identifying information should be stored as part of the uploaded data to minimise potential privacy issues.

Image Capture in Darkness

It may be necessary to capture movement data in the dark at some stage during the project (for example, due to a pet being nocturnal). This may entail using a camera with no infrared filter to capture images. The system's image processing module should be able to perform its analysis in a way that is agnostic of the illumination of the scene.

Image normalisation

As it is impossible for the user to keep the camera from moving, images will be normalised so that they provide a constant viewpoint over the cage. This will be accoplished by the use of special visual markers the user would have to apply on the corners of the animal's cage.

Movement Tracking

The stream of images provided through the capture interface will be analysed by a motion tracker in order to detect the position (XY coordinates) of the animal in each image. These coordinates will be compared to a set of user defined zones (such as water, food, bed etc) to determine what the animal is currently doing.


Small animals tend to either move quickly or stay still. This implies that the motion tracker algorithm should be able to operate at frame rates high enough for it to achieve reasonable accuracy in determining the location of the animal.

Data Analysis

The movement tracking software will output a stream of data containing the location of the animal at a given time. These data must then be analysed to provide different kinds of information to the user about the animal.

Movebank Data

As part of the data analysis process, relevant publicly available data from Movebank should be obtained. This data should then be processed to make it more directly comparable with data in our movement format. This task should be a one off, as the same public data should be used by all users for comparisons.

Behavior Identification

It should be possible for the user to manually specify areas of interest specific to their pet (for example, picking out the sleeping area and water bottle). The behavior of the animal will be determined based on its proximity to such areas of interest. Also, the software should be able to identify the times during which each behavior is most frequent (for example, determine that the animal sleeps mostly during the day, and forages during evenings and mornings).

Movement Patterns

The data should also be used to determine the movement of the animal during some timeframe (for example: last hour, last 24 hours, etc.). As the visualisation of this data is would be done by superimposing the movement pattern on a still image of the cage, this feature would only be available on the client software.

Server Communication

The client software will periodically upload analysed data to the server for processing, visualisation and public/remote access. These data will represent the positions of the pet in the cage since the last upload. All information will be stored in the server's database and users will be able to access it by entering a unique memorable token (generated during system setup). All data will be public and anonymous, so tokens can also be used to share data.

Raspberry Pi "Plug & Play"

As this project is primarily targeted at non-technical end users, a key goal of the project is to be easy to set up. Ideally, users should be able to connect their Raspberry Pi to a power source and the internet, and have the system immediately available for use with no "under the hood" interactions (e.g. having to issue shell commands or connect the device to a monitor to see information).

 Configuration Interface

Unfortunately, there will be a small amount of user setup involved with the system regardless of our approach. To avoid having to connect external devices to the Raspberry Pi, a web configuration interface should be provided by the device when it is connected to a local network. This interface should provide the following functions:

System Image

The Raspberry Pi boots its operating system from an SD card. In order for users to be able to use the system with as little setup as possible, we will distribute a system image designed specifically to run our software. Users will still have to burn their own SD cards, but this is only solvable if we handle physical distribution of the cards, which is beyond the scope of the project. This approach leaves the option to run the application manually open for technical users and developers.


The server will be comprised of two aspects:

Upload Processing

The API will be able to receive and process uploaded data from individual clients and store the subsequent results of this processing in a database for subsequent retrieval and analysis.

Front End

The front end will use the API REST endpoints and allow the user to select multiple data sets in order to view and compare the movement of animals.

Data Visualisation

The server should have some functionality to visualise the received data in an intuitive and useful way. Data shown for each animal should include a breakdown of time spent in user-defined zones/activities. A graphical display of the movement of the animal should also be included, for example a heatmap, or a step-through display of the animal's path over time.

Web Serving

The server should serve a website with information about the project, and providing a menu of available animals and access to their visualised data. The website should have an intuitive layout that is accessible and appealing to children.

Physical environment

There will be lots of physical constraints when setting up this software in a real environment, such as the type of cage, where the camera is positioned, lighting and so on. Because each environment will vary so much we hope to design our software such that it works in as many as possible.

Camera positioning

The camera may be positioned over the top or at the side of the cage, provided that the camera has a good view of the animal under inspection. The animal's environment must be set up such that its activity can be determined from its location; food, water, wheel, bed and so on should be positioned in different parts of the cage from the camera's perspective.

Cage material

The cage should be made from a clear material, or have an open side. This is to give the camera a clear, unobstructed view of the animal.

Corners of cage

The cage should have four markers in the corners visible to the camera; these will help the camera detect where the cage is when the cage or camera moves.


The device we shall use for demonstration will be a Raspberry Pi, with a Pi Noir camera attached. This camera will point at the cage and detect the location of the animal under study. The Pi Noir camera is capable of low-light and infra-red vision meaning that we will be able to track the animal during the night.

The Pi will also be connected to the internet; for a reliable connection we recommend that an Ethernet connection is used, however the application will work with any kind of reliable internet connection.

Software environment

We will distribute a cut-down Linux operating system that contains our software pre-installed. These distributions will be based on an existing Linux operating system (such as Raspbian) and will be configured to connect to the internet and start our software.


This section of the specification deals with how the project will be documented. There are two important sets of documentation we will produce as part of the development process:

End User Guide

The guide for end users needs to be accessible to people without a technical background (i.e. no jargon, little assumed knowledge etc). The documentation should include information on setting up the system from scratch, using it once it has been configured, and common troubleshooting solutions. The documentation will be available as a README in the git repository, as well as by means of a standalone PDF download from the project web page.

Users should be walked through the process of setting up the system in a way that is accessible without being patronising. Solutions to common issues will be included at each stage of the process.

Technical Documentation

As there are multiple people working together on this project, clear and effective technical documentation will be important to its success. The source code of the project will have JavaDoc comments used throughout development in order to facilitate automatic documentation generation. Additionally, external APIs should have clear documentation written in order that modules can be reused easily.

All members of the team will be responsible for documenting code that they write, in a way that is consistent with the project's style. Our policy of code review will help to ensure that code committed is documented appropriately.