WilderDev / ezproperty-backend

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NodeJS 2024 Starter Code w/ Auth (TEMPLATE)

Start a New Project Using This Template

  1. Click the "Use this template" button
  2. Install packages: npm i
  3. Create .env file and replace credentials:



    CP_SECRET=<create/replace secret>

    PORT=<add port>

    NODEMAILER_PORT=<add nodemailer port>
    NODEMAILER_USER=<add user>
    NODEMAILER_PASSWORD=<add password>
- Replace `<user>`, `<pass>`, and `<db>` with your MongoDB credentials and database name
- Replace `JWT_SECRET` with a random string. You can generate a random 32 character string from the terminal by typing:
  - node  <enter>;
  - then type
    - require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex') <enter>`
- Replace `SERVER_URL` with your server URL
- CP_SECRET: Create a Cookie Parser secret and replace <> with your new secret
- PORT: Add your port replace <>
- NODEMAILER: Replace <> with actual Nodemailer data
  - (Port, User, and Password)
  1. Review User.model.js - add/delete, as needed, according to your project
  2. Review auth.routes.js and auth.controller.js - be sure anything added/removed from User.model is added/removed from routes and controller, as needed.
  3. Test routes in Insomnia (or other API development platform)
    1. *See insomnia.config.json file and import into Insomnia
