WildernessLabs / NetMF_MonoDevelop_VS_Mac_Addin

.NET MicroFramework add-in for MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio/Visual Studio Mac
MIT License
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This is the add-in for Visual Studio Mac, Xamarin Studio, and MonoDevelop that enables .Net MicroFramework projects to be built on Mac and Linux.


For more information see the Getting Started with Netduino guide, which covers installation and writing a first app.


To install the add-in:

  1. Install the latest version of either Visual Studio for Mac, or Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop
  2. Install the add-in from the extensions/add-ins manager:
  3. Open VS Mac/Xamarin Studio and open the Visual Studio/Xamarin Studio > Extensions/Add-ins menu and select the Gallery tab.
  4. Select All repositories and Search for Micro (you may have to click the Refresh button.
  5. Select the MicroFramework add-in and then click install on the right.
  6. Follow installation instructions.

Building the Add-in from Source

  1. Install the latest version of either Visual Studio for Mac, or Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop
  2. Install the AddinMaker maker from the extensions/add-ins manager (follow installation instructions 3-6 above, but search for AddinMaker instead).
  3. Clone project from GitHub and open the MonoDevelop.MicroFramework.sln solution with VS Mac/Xamarin Studio.
  4. Make sure all the nuget packages are restored and then start debugging, which will open a new instance of VS Mac/Xamarin Studio that has the MicroFramework Add-in that just built enabled.

Creating an Add-in Package

To create an addin package (.mpack), first, build the add-in in release mode, and then run the CreateAddinPackage.sh script from terminal.


When publishing, make sure to bump the version number in the /Properties/AddinInfo.cs file, as well as the AssemblyInfo.cs file.


The add-in was originally authored by David Karlas. The original codebase can be found here.


Jeremie Laval Alex Corrado