Will-Hsu / cses_webdev

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CSES Web Dev Set Up Guide

  1. Download Node and npm if you don't have them (run node -v and npm -v to check).
  2. Clone the repository on the main branch and open the project in VSCode.
  3. Install VSCode extensions Eslint and Prettier (for linting and formatting).


  1. Go to the project/frontend directory.
  2. Run npm install to install all the node packages.
  3. Run npm start to run the React App and check if you can see the rendered site at http://localhost:3000/


  1. Go to the project/backend directory.
  2. Run npm install to install all the node packages.
  3. Run npm start to start the backend server and check there is no error in the terminal.
  4. Make a copy of the .env.example file and rename it .env.
