E.M.U: E.M.U Mobility Unit
Team 16: No, Hugo. We're not naming our team that. - Contributors
- Édouard Gagné
- Zlata Korotkova
- Claudia Lapalme
- Alessandro Sartor
- Hugo Spehner
- William Tarte
Move: AWSD / arrows
Interact with environment: e
shoot: k
throw grenades: g
reload: r
jump: spacebar
roll: shift
return to the main menu: escape
Changes since the midterm presentation
- Added all of the proper sprites
- Implemented animations
- Added sound effects
- Implemented an HP system for the player and enemies (with a game over functionality)
- Added particle effects
- Added multiple types of enemies
- Refined the weapon system
- Implemented the interactable system
- Added two unique bosses
- Designed the second level
- Refined the art of the first level
- Implemented triggers (death, next level, game won)
- Added a checkpoint system
- Added dialogue
See Contributing