WilliELM / Bilabonnement-backend

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Bilabonnement API Documentation

The Bilabonnement API provides endpoints to manage information related to cars, customers, damage reports, and subscriptions. It allows you to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on these entities.

Car Endpoints

1. Get All Cars

Endpoint: GET /cars
Description: Retrieve a list of all cars.
Response: List of Car objects.

2. Get Car by ID

Endpoint: GET /cars/{id}
Description: Retrieve details of a specific car by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the car.
Response: Car object.

3. Create Car

Endpoint: POST /cars
Description: Create a new car.
Request Body: Car object.
Response: Created Car object.

4. Update Car

Endpoint: PUT /cars/{id}
Description: Update details of a specific car by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the car.
Request Body: Updated Car object.
Response: Updated Car object.

5. Delete Car

Endpoint: DELETE /cars/{id}
Description: Delete a specific car by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the car.
Response: No content.

Customer Endpoints

1. Get All Customers

Endpoint: GET /customers
Description: Retrieve a list of all customers.
Response: List of Customer objects.

2. Get Customer by ID

Endpoint: GET /customers/{id}
Description: Retrieve details of a specific customer by providing their ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the customer.
Response: Customer object.

3. Create Customer

Endpoint: POST /customers
Description: Create a new customer.
Request Body: Customer object.
Response: Created Customer object.

4. Update Customer

Endpoint: PUT /customers/{id}
Description: Update details of a specific customer by providing their ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the customer.
Request Body: Updated Customer object.
Response: Updated Customer object.

5. Delete Customer

Endpoint: DELETE /customers/{id}
Description: Delete a specific customer by providing their ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the customer.
Response: No content.

Damage Report Endpoints

1. Get All Damage Reports

Endpoint: GET /damagereports
Description: Retrieve a list of all damage reports.
Response: List of DamageReport objects.

2. Get Damage Report by ID

Endpoint: GET /damagereports/{id}
Description: Retrieve details of a specific damage report by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the damage report.
Response: DamageReport object.

3. Create Damage Report

Endpoint: POST /damagereports
Description: Create a new damage report.
Request Body: DamageReport object.
Response: Created DamageReport object.

4. Update Damage Report

Endpoint: PUT /damagereports/{id}
Description: Update details of a specific damage report by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the damage report.
Request Body: Updated DamageReport object.
Response: Updated DamageReport object.

5. Delete Damage Report

Endpoint: DELETE /damagereports/{id}
Description: Delete a specific damage report by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the damage report.
Response: No content.

Subscription Endpoints

1. Get All Subscriptions

Endpoint: GET /subscriptions
Description: Retrieve a list of all subscriptions.
Response: List of Subscription objects.

2. Get Subscription by ID

Endpoint: GET /subscriptions/{id}
Description: Retrieve details of a specific subscription by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the subscription.
Response: Subscription object.

3. Create Subscription

Endpoint: POST /subscriptions
Description: Create a new subscription.
Request Body: Subscription object.
Response: Created Subscription object.

4. Update Subscription

Endpoint: PUT /subscriptions/{id}
Description: Update details of a specific subscription by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the subscription.
Request Body: Updated Subscription object.
Response: Updated Subscription object.

5. Delete Subscription

Endpoint: DELETE /subscriptions/{id}
Description: Delete a specific subscription by providing its ID.
Parameters: id (Path Variable): ID of the subscription.
Response: No content.

Error Handling

In case of an error, the API will return an appropriate HTTP status code along with a JSON response containing details about the error.