Willu12 / iml

MIT License
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The goal of the project is to prepare a machine learning module that can be hypothetically used in an automated, voice-based intercom device. Imagine that you are working in a team of several programmers and the access to your floor is restricted with doors. There is an intercom that can be used to open the door. You are implementing a machine learning module that will recognize if a given person has the permission to open the door or not. To simplify this problem, we interpret this as a binary recognition problem. Class 1 is made of allowed persons. Class 0 is made of not allowed persons. The medium used to distinguish between the two classes is voice. Thus, the project to be delivered in in fact a voice recognition project. To shift the focus to convolutional neural networks, we assume that the voice recording must be turned into spectrograms in the pre-processing stage. Thus, the project to be delivered is in fact a voice recognition project but implementing it will require techniques that can also be applied to diMerent kinds of image processing. ~ from Introduction to Machine Learning WUT course project description.

Project Structure

├── data/                            # Raw .wav files directory
├── datasets/                        # Processed dataset directory with train, val, test spectrograms
├── notebooks/                       # Jupyter notebooks for data preparation and training
│   ├── data_preparation_and_analysis.ipynb   # Data processing and analysis notebook
│   ├── model_training.ipynb                  # Model training and logging notebook
├── src/                             # Main source files
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── data_processing.py           # Spectrogram generation, augmentation, dataset split
│   ├── dataset_analysis.py          # Dataset exploration and visualization functions
│   ├── model.py                     # CNN models definitions
│   └── training.py                  # Training and validation functions
├── models/                          # Saved model directory
├── requirements.txt                 # Python dependencies
└── README.md                        # Project description and setup guide


Data Preparation

  1. Download the Dataset: Download the dataset from Zenodo and place chosen .wav files (I was using "clean" directory). Be aware of strange files starting with ., which are not proper .wav and needs to be removed.
  2. Process the Data: Use the data_preparation_and_analysis.ipynb notebook to:
    • Load audio files
    • Split them into train, validation, and test sets
    • Divide each recording into 3-second clips
    • Generate spectrograms and save them to datasets/ subdirectories
    • Generate dataset statistics and visualize sample spectrograms

Model Training

  1. Initialize W&B: Set up a Weights & Biases (W&B) account to log experiment metrics and track model performance.
  2. Run Model Training: Use the model_training.ipynb notebook to:
    • Register a new W&B project
    • Load spectrograms for each dataset split
    • Train the CNN model and log performance metrics like training loss and validation F1 score
    • Save the trained model to models/


Spectrogram Generation

Spectrogram generation is handled by the data_processing.py functions:

Model Definition

The SimpleCNN is simple CNN for 128x128 image size. The TutorialCNN is the CNN from provided tutorial.
