Willy-Kimura / SharpClipboard

A library for anonymously monitoring clipboard entries.
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SharpClipboard is a clipboard-monitoring library for .NET that listens to the system's clipboard entries, allowing developers to tap into the rich capabilities of determining the clipboard's contents at runtime.

Here's a screenshot and below a usage-preview of the library's features:

sc-preview-01 sc-usage


To install via the NuGet Package Manager Console, run:

Install-Package SharpClipboard



To use it in code, first import WK.Libraries.SharpClipboardNS - the code below will then assist you:

    var clipboard = new SharpClipboard();

    // Attach your code to the ClipboardChanged event to listen to cuts/copies.
    clipboard.ClipboardChanged += ClipboardChanged;

    private void ClipboardChanged(Object sender, ClipboardChangedEventArgs e)
        // Is the content copied of text type?
        if (e.ContentType == SharpClipboard.ContentTypes.Text)
            // Get the cut/copied text.

        // Is the content copied of image type?
        else if (e.ContentType == SharpClipboard.ContentTypes.Image)
            // Get the cut/copied image.
            Image img = clipboard.ClipboardImage;

        // Is the content copied of file type?
        else if (e.ContentType == SharpClipboard.ContentTypes.Files)
            // Get the cut/copied file/files.

            // ...or use 'ClipboardFile' to get a single copied file.

        // If the cut/copied content is complex, use 'Other'.
        else if (e.ContentType == SharpClipboard.ContentTypes.Other)
            // Do something with 'clipboard.ClipboardObject' or 'e.Content' here...

You can also get the details of the application from where the clipboard's contents were cut/copied from using the ClipboardChanged argument property SourceApplication:

    private void ClipboardChanged(Object sender, SharpClipboard.ClipboardChangedEventArgs e)
        // Gets the application's executable name.
        // Gets the application's window title.
        // Gets the application's process ID.
        // Gets the application's executable path.

This option could come in handy especially when you're building a clipboard-monitoring application where users may feel the need to know where every recorded cut/copy action occurred.

To manually parse the content after a cut/copy has been detected, you can use the argument property e.Content in the ClipboardChanged event:

    private void ClipboardChanged(Object sender, ClipboardChangedEventArgs e)
        // For texts...
        string text = e.Content.ToString();

        // or images...
        Image img = (Image)e.Content;

        // or files...
        List<string> files = (List<string>)e.Content;

        // or other complex types too.
        // Person p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(e.Content);

Made with 💛 by Willy Kimura | Like to say thank you? Star this project. Feel free to BuyMeACoffee also. 😊