WindyLab / ConsensusLLM-code

Source code of our paper "Multi-Agent Consensus Seeking via Large Language Models".
MIT License
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Multi-Agent Consensus Seeking via
Large Language Models

This file is the source code of our paper "Multi-Agent Consensus Seeking via Large Language Models".


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

By ensuring you have these prerequisites in place, you'll be ready to use the code and run the experiments described in this project.

Running Experiments

  1. Create Test Files: In the "test" directory, create one or more Python test files (e.g., that define the experiments you want to run. These test files should import and use your Python template as a framework for conducting experiments. Below is an example of what a test file might look like:

    import datetime
    import subprocess
    def main(n_agent):
     rounds = 9 # number of rounds in single experiment
     agents = n_agent
     n_stubborn = 0 # number of stubborn agents
     n_suggestible = 0 # number of suggestible agents
     n_exp = 9 # number of experiments
     current_datetime =
     # Format the date as a string
     formatted_date = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
     out_file = "./log/scalar_debate/n_agents{}_rounds{}_n_exp{}_{}".format(agents, rounds, n_exp, formatted_date)
     # Build the command line
     cmd = [
       'python', './',
       '--rounds', str(rounds),
       '--out_file', out_file,
       '--agents', str(agents),
       '--n_stubborn', str(n_stubborn),
       '--n_suggestible', str(n_suggestible),
       '--n_exp', str(n_exp),
       # '--not_full_connected' # uncomment this if you want use other topology structures
     # Run the command
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Customize the experiment setup according to your specific needs.

  2. Setting the Experiment Type: Before running experiments, make sure to set the appropriate experiment type in the file:

    exp = debate_factory("2d", args, connectivity_matrix=m)

    The first parameter, "2d", specifies the type of experiment. You can use "scalar" for scalar debate or "2d" for vector debate.

  3. Run Experiments: You can run the experiments from the command line by executing the test files in the root directory:

    python test/

    Replace with the name of the test file you want to run. This will execute your experiment using the Python template and generate results accordingly.

  4. Locating Experiment Results: After running experiments using the provided test files, you can find the data files and logs in the "log" directory. The "log" directory is defined in your test files, and it's where your experiment results are stored.

Plotting and Generating HTML

Plotting Data

The code includes functionality for automatic plotting of data when running experiments. However, if you wish to manually plot a specific data file, you can use the following command:

scaler debate:

python -m modules.visual.plot ./log/scalar_debate_temp_0_7/n_agents8_rounds9_n_exp9_2023-10-11_13-44/data.p

vector debate:

python -m modules.visual.plot_2d ./log/vector2d_debate/n_agents3_rounds20_n_exp1_2023-10-27_14-37/trajectory.p

Replace the file path with the path to the specific data file you want to plot. This command will generate plots based on the provided data file.

Generating HTML Reports

The code automatically generates HTML reports for experiments. However, if you want to manually generate an HTML report for a specific experiment or dataset, you can use the following command:

python ./

This command will generate an HTML report based on the data and logs available in the "log" directory.

Please note that for automatically generated HTML reports, the script may take into account the latest experiment data and log files available in the "log" directory. However, running manually allows you to create an HTML report at any time, independently of experiment execution.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing:

  title={Multi-Agent Consensus Seeking via Large Language Models},
  author={Huaben Chen and Wenkang Ji and Lufeng Xu and Shiyu Zhao},