WireframesJPN / simple-valid

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Touch and Feel like Laravel Validation.

How to use

import Validator from 'simple-valid';

 * Prepare your target object that should be validated.
const target = {
    first_name: 'Bucky',
    last_name: 'Barnes',
    homepage: 'ftp://bucky-barnes.com'

 * Define the rules for each properties.
 * You can write the rules just like you write Laravel's.
const rules = {
    first_name: 'required|numeric',
    last_name: ['required', 'min:6']

 * You can optionally define your original rule.
    (value, params) => {
        const [result] = value.match(new RegExp("^https?:\/\/.+$")) || []

        return !result
    "it's not like my_url"

 * Executing the validation will give you its result as an instance of SimpleErrorObject.
 * @see https://github.com/WireframesJPN/simple-error-object
const result = Validator.execute(
    { ...rules, homepage: 'required|my_url' }

 * By calling `has` method, You will know if the result has some errors.
const hasError = result.has();

 * If you would like to get the all errors, `all` method is just fine.
const errors = result.all();

console.log(errors); // { first_name: ['must be numeric'], homepage: ['it's not like my_url'] }