WisconsinAIVision / RISE

Domain Generalization through Distilling CLIP with Language Guidance
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Domain Generalization through Distilling CLIP with Language Guidance

This repo is the official implementation of our ICCV 2023 paper "A Sentence Speaks a Thousand Images: Domain Generalization through Distilling CLIP with Language Guidance".

Getting Started

Data Preparation

The dataset is structured as follows:

├── PACS
│   ├── Domain1
│   ├── Domain2
│   └── Domain3
│   └── Domain4
├── VLCS
│   ├── ...
├── OfficeHome
│   ├── ...
└── Terra
    ├── ...


Launch a sweep

python train_rise.py\
       --dataset "PACS" --seed 0 --output_folder "sweep1" --data_path "your datasets path"

The training record will be saved in the "results/output_folder".

# Train RISE with mix of teachers
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,..." python train_rise_mix_teacher.py\
       --dataset "PACS" --seed 0 --output_folder "sweep1" --data_path "your datasets path"

Training mix of teachers might need more than one GPU. Please adjust the GPU count as necessary.

View the results

python evaluate_results.py\
       --dataset "PACS" --output_folder "sweep1"

The model is selected by training-domain validation criteria.


The codebase is built upon OoD-Bench, JigenDG and DomainBed.