WittIsHere / U-N-Squadron

Project 1
The Unlicense
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Welcome to the webpage of U.N. Squadron, an Horizontal scrolling Shoot 'em Up.

U.N.Squadron is a side-scrolling shooting game that was launched in 1986 by Capcom for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in Japan as Area 88 based on a manga series related.

The game is a typical side-scrolling game but while its predecessors are vertical-scrolling shooters this one is horizontal. The goal of the game is to stop a terrorist group known as Project 4. An other difference with previous games is that the player has an energy bar that is consumed every time the player sustains damage.

Before entering a level, the player can purchase special weapons or added defenses in the shop. The player earns money to buy weapons by destroying enemy planes and vehicles during levels.


You can also view the trailer by clicking here

Download the Game!

How to play?

Keyboards Controls

Basic Controls

Input Action
W / A / S / D Movement
Space Enter / Shooting)
E Next special weapon
R Fire special weapon

Debug Funcionality

Command Action
1 Enable God Mode
2 Show collisions hitbox
3 go to missionComplete
4 go to Game Over
5 Special ammo +99
6 (at shop) infinite money


TEAM MEMBERS Role GitHub Names
Galarza Roca, Aram Code WittIsHere
Reinoso Rivas, Sergi Assets Serxi
Ortega Sánchez, Juan Code MrPollito


Sergi Rivas: All sprites search and coordinates, as well as the music and some sprite drawing/change. Enemy paths, characteristics and description for level. Little help on solving and coming up with programing ideas. Github page making.

Aram Galarza: General screens (welcome, selectLevel,Shop,Level 1,Level 2, missionSucces,GameOver) Music, Parallax effects, special weapons, fonts, UI, fully implemented shop and selectLevel. Debug funcionality.

Juan Ortega: Implementation of all enemies: paths, spawnpoints... Miniboss and Bosses of levels 1 and 2.

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