WittleWolfie / AutomaticBonusProgression

An item rebalance mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous based on the PF Automatic Bonus Progression ruleset.
MIT License
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Automatic Bonus Progression

An item rebalance mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous based on Pathfinder's Automatic Bonus Progression ruleset. This is not compatible with controllers.

Progression screenshot

This mod creates a save dependency. Once you save with this mod enabled it must remain enabled or you will lose access to the save.

Settings are NOT in UMM, they use Mod Menu

Problems or Suggestions

File a bug or feature request. You can also reach me (@WittleWolfie) on Discord in the #mod-user-general channel.


Download AutomaticBonusProgression.zip and install it using ModFinder or Unity Mod Manager. Make sure to install TabletopTweaks-Core and ModMenu as well.

If you use this on an existing save, you'll need to respec both regular and mythic paths to get full functionality.

This doesn't work with controllers. You have to use mouse and keyboard.

How it works

Automatic Bonus Progression automatically grants stat bonuses usually provided by items which no longer provide them. As a result you are free to equip items based on their special abilities and effects.

Note: Items in game still list these bonuses in the UI, but they do not apply. I will likely never address this, as it is a huge effort to fix.

Level Bonus
3 +1 Resistance
4 +1 Armor
+1 Weapon
5 +1 Deflection
6 +2 Mental Prowess
7 +2 Physical Prowess
8 +2 Resistance
+1 Shield
+1 Off-Hand
+1 Toughness
9 +2 Armor
+2 Weapon
10 +3 Resistance
+2 Deflection
11 +4 or +2/+2 Mental Prowess
12 +4 or +2/+2 Physical Prowess
13 +4 Resistance
+2 Toughness
+4/+2 Mental Prowess
+4/+2 Physical Prowess
14 +5 Resistance
+3 Armor, +2 Shield
+3 Weapon, +3 Off-Hand
15 +4 Armor, +3 Shield
+4 Weapon, +3 Off-Hand
+6/+2 or +4/+4 Mental Prowess
16 +3 Deflection
+3 Toughness
+6/+2 or +4/+4 Physical Prowess
17 +4 Deflection
+4 Tougness
+5 Armor
+5 Weapon
+6/+2/+2 or +4/+4/+2 Mental Prowess
+6/+2/+2 or +4/+4/+2 Physical Prowess
18 +5 Deflection
+5 Tougness
+6/+4/+2 or +4/+4/+4 Mental Prowess
+6/+4/+2 or +4/+4/+4 Physical Prowess
19 3 Legendary Gifts
20 5 Legendary Gifts

Mental Prowess and Physical Prowess allow you to select which ability scores to boost. The bonuses you receive are further customizable using Legendary Gifts, detailed below.

Legendary gifts screenshot

Each Legendary Gift allows you to select a different special bonus. In addition to the Legendary Gifts you receive at level 19 and 20, you receive 2 Legendary Gifts at every Mythic Level for a total of 28. If you are on the Legend path, you receive an additional Legendary Gift at level 22 and every two levels after.

Legendary Ability

Gain a +1 inherent bonus to any ability score. You can select this legendary gift multiple times, and it stacks up to +5 in any one ability score.

Legendary Prowess

This allows you to increase the bonuses granted by Physical Prowess or Mental Prowess. You cannot increase the bonus to any single ability score above +6.

Legendary Shieldmaster

Removes the armor enhancement bonus penalty applied when using a shield.

Legendary Twin Weapons

Removes the weapon enhancement bonus penalty applied when using off-hand or secondary weapons.

Legendary Enchantments

Attunement screenshot

Allows you to apply enchantments to your equipment (Armor, Shield, Weapon, Off-Hand). Each enchantment has an Enhancement Cost and you can apply enchantments with a total cost equal to your rank in the corresponding feature (max 5).

Armor Enchantments

Weapon Enchantments

Base Game Changes

Reporting Problems

First, go to Settings > Mods > Automatic Bonus Progression and turn on "Enable Detailed Logs"

Follow this guide: So you want to report a WotR mod bug? Include a save file demonstrating the problem, if possible.

Mod Options

Settings screenshot

This mod uses Mod Menu, settings are in the game settings: Settings > Mods > Automatic Bonus Progression. They are not available in UMM.


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