WittleWolfie / WW-Blueprint-Core

A library to simplify modifying Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
MIT License
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What is BlueprintCore: A library to simplify modifying Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.

At a glance:

If you're interested in contributing, see How to Contribute.

For usage see Getting Started.

Mods Using BPCore

Not exhaustive but check out these mods:


Blueprint Configurators

Each Blueprint type has a corresponding configurator, e.g. BuffConfigurator, with methods for modifying its fields and components.

When you're done configuring, call Configure() to commit your changes and run validation. Validation errors are logged as a warning.

Configurators use method chaining to reduce boilerplate:

FeatureConfigurator.New(FeatName, FeatGuid)
  .AddBuffSkillBonus(StatType.SkillKnowledgeArcana, 2)
  .AddBuffSkillBonus(StatType.SkillUseMagicDevice, 2)

Configurator methods can set or modify fields and add all supported BlueprintComponent types. Using auto-complete you can quickly search available component types.

The Configure should guarantee components work with a given blueprint. This is determined using the game's AllowedOn attribute which declares supported blueprint types for each component. This is not always correct so please report any problems with the API: GitHub Issues.

Every effort is made to minimize boilerplate and enforce proper usage of fields and components. Blueprint fields that should not be modified are hidden when reported by a contributor or on GitHub Issues.

Component methods are regularly updated to ignore unused fields and require fields necessary for the component to function. Field types that should not be null are automatically populated with a default to prevent exceptions.

For example, the FeatureConfigurator exposes a method AddPrerequisiteCharacterLevel:

// Summary:
//     Adds Kingmaker.Blueprints.Classes.Prerequisites.PrerequisiteClassLevel
// Parameters:
//   characterClass:
//     Blueprint of type BlueprintCharacterClass. You can pass in the blueprint using:
//     • A blueprint instance –
//     • A blueprint reference –
//     • A blueprint id as a string, Guid, or BlueprintGuid –
//     • A blueprint name registered with BlueprintTool –
//     See Blueprint for more details.
//   merge:
//     If mergeBehavior is ComponentMerge.Merge and the component already exists, this
//     expression is called to merge the components.
//   mergeBehavior:
//     Handling if the component already exists since the component is unique. Defaults
//     to ComponentMerge.Fail.
// Remarks:
//     • Used by
//     • AdvancedWeaponTraining1 –3aa4cbdd4af5ba54888b0dc7f07f80c4
//     • OracleRevelationSoulSiphon –226c053a75fd7c34cab1b493f5847787
//     • WreckingBlowsFeature –5bccc86dd1f187a4a99f092dc054c755
public TBuilder AddPrerequisiteClassLevel(
    Blueprint<BlueprintCharacterClassReference> characterClass,
    int level,
    bool? checkInProgression = null,
    Prerequisite.GroupType? group = null,
    bool? hideInUI = null,
    Action<BlueprintComponent, BlueprintComponent>? merge = null,
    ComponentMerge mergeBehavior = ComponentMerge.Fail, bool? not = null)

characterClass and level are required while the rest of the parameters are optional. The remarks include three blueprints which use the component for reference.

ActionList and ConditionsChecker Builders

ActionsBuilder is a builder API for ActionList and ConditionsBuilder is a builder API for ConditionsChecker.

BlueprintCore APIs accept builders directly or you can call Build() to construct them and run validation. Validation errors are logged as a warning.

Builder methods create Action and Condition types and are defined across extension classes to improve auto-complete searching. Extension classes are logically grouped so most blueprints require only one extension.

For example, ActionsBuilderKingdomEx contains builder methods related to the Kingdom and Crusade system and can be referenced by including the namespace BlueprintCore.Actions.Builder.KingdomEx:

using BlueprintCore.Actions.Builder.KingdomEx;


Library methods, such as configurators, accept builders directly and call Build() internally to minimize boilerplate:

BuffConfigurator.New(BuffName, BuffGuid)
  .AddRestTrigger(ActionsBuilder.New().AddRandomTrashItem(TrashLootType.Scrolls, 100))


Util classes provide type builders, constant references, tools, and more.


Tool classes include methods for common operations. These vary from operations like CommonTool#Append<>() for concatening arrays to BlueprintTool.GetRef<T>() which creates a blueprint reference directly, without fetching the blueprint.


LocalizationTool uses a JSON file to define in-game text with support for localization and encyclopedia tagging:

  "Key": "MagicalAptitude.Name",
  // Don't process this since it is just a name. Without this it might create strange artifacts by trying to create
  // links to encycolpedia pages.
  "ProcessTemplates": false,
  "enGB": "Magical Aptitude",
  "deDE": "Magische Begabung"
  "Key": "MagicalAptitude.Description",
  "enGB": "You get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill."

In BPCore APIs you can reference the strings using the key:

FeatureConfigurator.New(FeatName, FeatGuid)


LogWrapper exposes the game's logger for mod usage. This logs output to the game logs which can be viewed using Remote Console.

It enables verbose logging for debugging and prefixes logs to filter log output to your mod or BlueprintCore logs.

For example, this code

LogWrapper logger = LogWrapper.Get("MyMod");
logger.Info("Logger initialized.");


BlueprintCore.MyMod: Logger initialized.

Type Builders

Classes for constructing simple types like ContextValues for creating ContextValue types or ContextRankConfigs for creating ContextRankConfig components.

FeatureConfigurator.New(FeatureName, FeatureGuid)

Utility classes provide functionality to simplify modifying the game and ensure correct use of game types.


BlueprintCore is available as a NuGet package. For more details see Getting Started.


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