Wiznet / WIZ550S2E

Serial to Ethernet Module based on W5500 & Cortex-M0
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After update no UART comunication #2

Closed K-mont closed 8 years ago

K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello, I try compile the Firmware projects for WIZ550S2E, everything was OK. After update to module one status LED is blinking and if I send some command via SERIAL then second status LED is on for cca 1sec and then is off and no answer from module. If I update back to version 1.0.0 then communication is OK. Can You help me with this?? Thanks Best Regards

bingdo commented 9 years ago

Dear K-mont

How to update FW? Did you use Configuration tool or Flash magic? Please let me know your update process in detail.


K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello Bingdo,

I build project like this:

the order of compile.

  1. lpc_chip_11exx.
  2. wiznet_s2e_wiz550s2e_board.
  3. WIZ550S2E_App

Than I load WIZ550S2E_App.bin file on TFTP server on my PC. Connect module to LAN, open WIZnet_Configuration_Tool, push the button search the module , push the button F/W Uploading, config the TFTP server and confirm update.... WIZnet_Configuration_Tool writes a successful update.

Best Regards

bingdo commented 9 years ago

I have tested your update process. After update, the target is normal. Please refer to my attached files.


2015-06-08_wiz550s2e 2015-06-08_wiz550s2e2 2015-06-08_wiz550s2e3

K-mont commented 9 years ago

I know what the problem is, when I have set as TCP client mode on module than communication works, but when it is mixed TCP mode than not working.

bingdo commented 9 years ago

I changed Working Mode to TCP Mixed. It's normal. Thanks. 2015-06-08_wiz550s2e4

K-mont commented 9 years ago

OK, it is working when I switch to TCP mode and switch back to TCP mixed mode.

I have one question, is in this firmware support this function "AT + FDNS = Domain_Name support"? Cause I need to be connected from the module on more the TCP servers gradually via DNS name. If I type this command now (like "AT+FDNS=www.google.com") then module is freeze, status LED is still ON and module must be disconnect from power supply.


bingdo commented 9 years ago

I have tested AT+FDNS command. Please refer to my attached file. All commands should be terminated with CR(0x0D), LF(0x0A).

Thanks. 2015-06-08_wiz550s2e5

K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello, I try it again, but still the same. If I send command AT+FDNS=www.google.com$0d$0a then module answer the IP address, but stay freeze. If I send next other command than no answer and status LED is not blinking. See the attached file. terminal Is there some sequence of commands? Can You write me step by step commands how I find the IP address from DNS name and then how I connect to the IP and send some data? In my opinion It is as follows: 1.+++ 2.AT+FDNS=www.google.com$0d$0a 3.AT+OPEN=C,,,3000$0d$0a 4.AT+NSEND=0,7$0d$0a 5.HELLO$0d$0a 6.AT+NCLOSE=0$0d$0a 7.AT+MDATA$0d$0a

Why is not possible in client mode comunicate after connect like sever mode ( without these command "AT+NSEND=0,7$0d$0a")? I always have to first send the length of sending data and then the data.


bingdo commented 9 years ago

I tested again but I didn't find a problem. Please refer to my attached file. You can use a configuration tool to query DNS. And use TCP Client or TCP Mixed. If there is data on a serial port, WIZ550S2E will transfer data to a server continuously.



K-mont commented 9 years ago

OK, and if I want connect to SERVER1 , send some data, then about 1 min later connect to SERVER2 , send some data and the next 1 min connect to SERVER3 a send some data.... How can I do it?

K-mont commented 9 years ago

It would be possible to add a command that could be overwrite HOST IP or DOMAIN in DNS? Then you would edit the SERVER IP ADDRESS before sending data.

bingdo commented 9 years ago

When you send some data to multiple server, refer to http://wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=products:wiz550s2e:wiz550s2e_tutorial_en:exam3

You can use the following command to overwrite Host IP. AT+FDNS=www.google.com\r\n AT+MSAVE\r\n http://wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=products:wiz550s2e:wiz550s2epg_kr#wiz550s2e_programmer_s_guide


K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello, I tested this commands : AT+FDNS=www.google.com\r\n AT+MSAVE\r\n but it dont work, the module is freeze after send AT+FDNS= command.

I try downgrade Firmware to 1.0.0 and there is not working AT+FDNS= command only AT+FDNS, but it works fine. After sending AT+FDNS command the module send me back IP and AT+MOVE command overwrite the Host IP. Is in actual firmware version (1.0.1) something changed or I made some mistake in sending the commands? because with new FW is module still freeze and with old one 1.0.0 is OK.

Please refer to my attached file.

fw100 fw101


bingdo commented 9 years ago

I tested FW ver1.0.1 but it's normal. I have attached my screen image. Thanks. 2015-06-08_wiz550s2e9

K-mont commented 9 years ago

I t is possible that the faulty module? It is possible to erase all the memory and upload it again? I mean whether it is somewhere download the bootloader and application software or can you send me your full flash and I programmed it using by Flash Magic or ...


bingdo commented 9 years ago

Actually I have no idea. Please download FW by https://github.com/Wiznet/WIZ550S2E again. If you have other target, please carry out comparison test.


K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello, I've bought two new modules do I update the firmware 1.0.1 and it's always the same. When I send the command "+++" get responses "[W,0] [S,0]" and when I send the command "AT+FDNS=www.google.com" then Booth module freezes and does not respond anymore on any instructions.

I try update firmware by WIZnet_Configuration_Tool and by FlashMagic and it is tha same.


bingdo commented 9 years ago

What is your DNS Server IP? Is it available? Please attach a screen shot of WIZnet Configuration Tool. And add a camera capture screen of your HW connection.


K-mont commented 9 years ago

Please refer to my attached files I use for communication USB/RS232 converter "UB232R". v100 v101 connection

Best Regards

bingdo commented 9 years ago

I guess there is some noise in your UART connection. Try to test again after removing unnecessary connection. I recommend you should use UART2USB interface like attatched file. Or use WIZ550S2E RS232C interface board. Working is normal.

Thanks. uart2usbinterface 2015-07-06_uart2usbinterface rs232cinterfaceboard 2015-07-06_rs232cinterfaceboard

K-mont commented 9 years ago

Hello, I tried to shorten the wires from the module to the USB / RS232 converters, I tried another USB / RS232 converters, I tried to connect the module directly to the ATmega644, but still when I send a command AT+FDNS=www.google.com then module send me a reply IP address and FREEZES! There will be some bugs in the program because version 1.0.0 works and module dont freeze. Could you send me your .bin file to (kmont@orangemail.sk), whether I can try it? Thanks very much

bingdo commented 9 years ago

Please refer to https://github.com/Wiznet/WIZ550S2E/releases/tag/v1.0.1


bingdo commented 8 years ago

I have found a problem in LPCXpresso. I used the version 7.5.0 of LPCXpresso. But there is a problem in upper version. I recommend you have to use the 7.5.0 version. Refer to https://www.lpcware.com/lpcxpresso/downloads/windows
