WoN-Hackathon-2019 / Information

Repository for general information, documentation and overall comments
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Repository for general information, documentation and overall comments.

Please join our slack channel #won-hackathon-2019

Join the chat at https://join.slack.com/t/webofneeds/shared_invite/enQtNzc0NjM0MzY3NTIyLTMwZmY1YTljMjMzYjJhMjJkYjYxM2MyMDdmMjU4ZTE4MDM4NWFiNDJiNWMyZGNjYTliYjA4NWYzY2RjMGY5YWE


Things you'll need:

Team Projects

Overview of the projects the teams are working on.

Please add one bullet point for each of your projects and describe them in a little more detail in your team page.