A collection of various audio codecs and their dependencies.
This is a set of dependencies required for SDL Mixer X audio library, except of SDL2 which is updating offten.
This set of libraries is designed to be buildable through CMake building system.
Note: to build libtimidity-sdl, you need to have the latest libSDL2 being installed, or enable the local SDL2 build. (This library was being modified to support files through SDL_RWops() API)
Operating system | Badge |
Linux: | |
Windows: | |
macOS |
You will need:
branch and build this.System install (will be installed with /usr/local/ prefix)
# Step 1: Download repository
git clone https://github.com/WohlSoft/AudioCodecs.git
cd AudioCodecs
# Step 2: PRepare build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Step 3: Configure project ()
cmake ..
# Step 4: Build
# Hint: to speed-up build use -j <num jobs> flag. Count of jobs should be equal number of CPU cores
# Step 5: Install
sudo make install
Custom install (You can install result into any folder and you don't need to have root to install)
# Step 1: Download repository
git clone https://github.com/WohlSoft/AudioCodecs.git
cd AudioCodecs
# Step 2: PRepare build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Step 3: Configure project ()
# Step 4: Build and install
cmake -build . -config release -target install -- -j 2
# Tip: instead of "release" you can have "debug" to build debug versions. Instead of "2" put your actual count of CPU cores
The build for macOS is very similar to Linux way, you just can follow Linux way to build libraries.
If you want to use the system-wide SDL2 instead of local, you should install it via Homebrew or by any other way.
You will need:
Build with MinGW
rem Step 1: Download repository
git clone https://github.com/WohlSoft/AudioCodecs.git
cd AudioCodecs
rem Step 2: PRepare build directory
mkdir build
cd build
rem Step 3: Configure project
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DUSE_LOCAL_SDL2=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%UserProfile%\MyLibs\ ..
rem Step 4: Build and install
cmake -build . -config release -target install -- -j 2
rem Tip: instead of "release" you can have "debug" to build debug versions. Instead of "2" put your actual count of CPU cores
Build with MinGW-w64 (A way to get 64-bit Windows assemblies)
rem Step 1: Download repository
git clone https://github.com/WohlSoft/AudioCodecs.git
cd AudioCodecs
rem Step 2: PRepare build directory
mkdir build
cd build
rem Important: You must to set the MinGW-w64 path first, also you must to remove a git from PATH if it is set
rem Full path may be different in dependence of version. Please fix this to match with your
set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin;%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%
rem Step 3: Configure project
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DUSE_LOCAL_SDL2=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%UserProfile%\MyLibs\ ..
rem Step 4: Build and install
cmake -build . -config release -target install -- -j 2
rem Tip: instead of "release" you can have "debug" to build debug versions. Instead of "2" put your actual count of CPU cores
Build with MSVC
rem Step 1: Download repository
git clone https://github.com/WohlSoft/AudioCodecs.git
cd AudioCodecs
rem Step 2: PRepare build directory
mkdir build
cd build
rem Step 3: Configure project
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -DDOWNLOAD_SDL2_DEPENDENCY=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%UserProfile%\MyLibs\ ..
rem HINT: If you want to have 64-bit build, use "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" generator
rem HINT: You can take full list of available generators by requesting of "cmake --help"
rem Step 4: Build and install
cmake -build . -config release -target install -- -j 2
rem Tip: instead of "release" you can have "debug" to build debug versions. Instead of "2" put your actual count of CPU cores
(BSD, ZLib, and "Artistic" licenses are allows usage in closed-source projects)
(LGPL allows usage in closed-source projects when LGPL-licensed components are linked dynamically)
(These libraries has the viral GPL license and you can use these libraries in libre projects only with applying the GPL license to the whole project)