WojciechMycek / Integracja-dostawy---symulacja-procesu-testowania-100-commitow

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System Stability Evaluation Automation



Configuration and hosting needed images / files


Project split:



This project aims to automate the evaluation of system stability through a combination of Robot Framework, Pytest, and Python scripts. The application, delivered by developers in Python or from code used in 100 commitow challenge :D, undergoes rigorous testing procedures to assess its impact on the system and validate its functionality. The automation process is orchestrated using Docker for containerization, Jenkins for job scheduling, and Linux Ubuntu as the operating system environment. Bash scripts are utilized for additional system checks, ensuring comprehensive testing coverage

Planned tech-stack

Testing Plan

Automation workflow

Docker image

The next goal is to provide the user with a Docker image of Jenkins that will already be appropriately configured for smooth deployment and execution. This requires preparing suitable documentation explaining the entire CI/CD mechanism, which will then be implemented.

Prepare good image that could be used to run all CI / CD environment.

Link to configured image is going to be provided by onedrive. Also clear instruction to run will be also attached

Instruction - mounting Jenkins image from docker and starting process of testing

Link to provide Jenkins image: < under construction > v. 0.1

Execute robot file via CLI-terminal:

python3 -m robot -T name_of_test.robot

Smieszny commit

Execute python file via CLI-terminal:

python3 file_name.py