WojciechOsak / Calendar

Kotlin Multiplatform Calendar Library
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 3 forks source link
android calendar calendar-component calendar-view compose compose-multiplatform composer-library datepicker desktop ios kmm kmm-library kmm-sample kmp kmp-library multiplatform multiplatform-compose multiplatform-kotlin-library wasp

Compose Multiplatform Calendar

Maven Central)][last()])

Highly configurable Kotlin Multiplatform Compose library where you can easily draw calendar picker for any platform you want: Android, iOS, Desktop or even Web!

We give you logic, you define UI with Composables!


Feature Supported
Single month calendar view
Week calendar
Horizontal calendar
Customizable UI
Headers support
Calendar offsets
Single selection
Multiple selection
Month/Year picker
Scroll to date animation
Vertical calendar
Range selection

You can test Web version here: Web Demo It is builded sample app and distributed by Github Pages.


Maven Central)][last()])

In Android project:

dependencies {
  implementation 'io.github.wojciechosak:calendar:<latest-version>'

In Kotlin Multiplatform project:

commonMain.dependencies {
  implementation 'io.github.wojciechosak:calendar:<latest-version>'
HorizontalCalendarView(startDate = startDate) { monthOffset ->
    config = rememberCalendarState(
      startDate = startDate,
      monthOffset = 0
    day = { dayState ->
      // define your day composable here!

Basic horizontal scrollable view:

HorizontalCalendarView(startDate = startDate) { monthOffset ->
    config = rememberCalendarState(
      startDate = startDate,
      monthOffset = monthOffset,


Documentation can be found here: docs.md


List of available views Simply use in Compose any view you want: | View type | Preview | |:--------------:|:--------------------------------------------------:| | CalendarView | | | HorizontalView | | | VerticalView | | | WeekView | | | MonthPicker | | | YearPicker | | Each view get as parameter day cell composable. Thanks to that your calendar can look whatever you like:


Compose version Library version
1.5.11 0.0.8-compose-1.5.11
1.6.1 0.0.9
1.6.10 1.0.0
1.6.10 1.0.1


In directory sample you can find bunch of examples. You can run Android/iOS application and test it yourself. Below you can find instruction how to run sample project on your computer.

Sample project ## Before running! - check your system with [KDoctor](https://github.com/Kotlin/kdoctor) - install JDK 17 on your machine ### Android To run the application on android device/emulator: - open project in Android Studio and run imported android run configuration To build the application bundle: - run `./gradlew :sample:composeApp:assembleDebug` - find `.apk` file in `sample/composeApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/composeApp-debug.apk` ### Desktop Run the desktop application: `./gradlew :sample:composeApp:run` ### iOS To run the application on iPhone device/simulator: - Open `iosApp/iosApp.xcproject` in Xcode and run standard configuration - In XCode open Build Phases -> Run Script -> paste script: ``` cd "$SRCROOT/../../" ./gradlew :sample:composeApp:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode ``` And build the project. - After that you can use [Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14936-kotlin-multiplatform-mobile) for Android Studio ### Browser Run the browser application: `./gradlew :sample:composeApp:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun`