WolfElkan / hst3

My prototype for the new website for HST Cultural Arts, Inc.
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Extra Prepaid Tickets #34

Closed WolfElkan closed 6 years ago

WolfElkan commented 6 years ago

Families with more than one student in a troupe will have to buy more tickets. I think it is going to be 15 ticket for 2 students and 20 tickets for 3 or more students. This will NOT be the case for Showcase. It is only for the 5 troupes.

- Mrs. Mullan, email 4/30

ETA: 5 hours

WolfElkan commented 6 years ago

Edited eligex processing to support multiple + glyphs in the same word. (E.g. AA++ means 2 or more students from family must be currently enrolled in Acting A, AA+++ means 3 students) Added new CourseTrad objects with eligexes of SG++ !SG+++ to mean 2 or more and not 3 or more, (in other words, exactly 2). Finally got to use the ! glyph!