WolfElkan / hst3

My prototype for the new website for HST Cultural Arts, Inc.
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Local Installation

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want to store this project.

  2. Run git clone https://github.com/WolfElkan/hst3.git to clone project to this folder. (Or download and unzip it.)

  3. Run pip install virtualenv to install the Virtual Environment software.

  4. Run virtualenv -p python2 hst3env to create a new Virtual Environment.

  5. Run source hst3env/bin/activate to activate Virtual Environment.

  6. Navigate into project folder (cd hst3)

  7. Run sh HST/setup.sh and follow the Terminal instructions

  8. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies (This could take a few minutes).

  9. Run python manage.py makemigrations to create the data migration files.

  10. Start up a local MySQL server. (See settings file for MySQL settings used in development.)

  11. Change the specs in settings file to point to your MySQL server if different configuration settings were used.

  12. Run python manage.py migrate to create the database on local server.

  13. Run python manage.py runserver to initialize application.

  14. Open web browser (Currently Google Chrome works best) and navigate to localhost:8000. (Note: it's useful to have terminal window open and visible next to the browser for debugging purposes.)

  15. If application is running successfully, you will see an HST Homepage. Click JSON Bulk Data Interface

  16. Unzip the hst.json.zip file. (Note: this file contains confidential contact information for HST's families and, for privacy reasons, is NOT included in this repository or available anywhere on the web. Contact the developer directly for this file.)

  17. Open hst.json, the file that unzips from hst.json.zip, in a Text Editor. Copy the entire text of the file and paste it into the "JSON:" window on the application.

  18. Making sure you have the Terminal window visible (because it looks cool), click IMPORT.

  19. Once the data is successfully imported, navigate back to the homepage, and log in... somehow.

  20. Click My Account, Admin Dashboard, Create New Year's Courses

  21. Select the spring of the current year and click Continue

  22. Select all the HST Classes you want to run this year (including prepaid tickets) and click Create Courses

  23. Navigate back to the homepage. The website is ready for use.

Technical Documentation

This website is built with Django, a Python-based, open-source web framework.


This web application is built with the following objectives in mind:

  1. To provide an intuitive, easy-to-use platform which users of varying computer skills can use to complete various functions necessary to the operation of HST,
  2. To allow HST to change, adapt and grow over the coming years, without requiring modification of the internal code of the application,
  3. To reduce the opportunity for human error, by automating any processes possible without causing undue complications,
  4. To reduce required volunteer time and allow HST to take full advantage of the digital age by streamlining data management processes wherever helpful,
  5. To be a blessing and an expression of God's love and providence to HST's staff, students and families as they have been to the developer.


Each HTML page loads the stylesheet main/style.css, this enables the style of all pages to be controlled from a single file. (Some pages also load additional stylesheets for specific functions.)

Each page's <body> tag is given a (mostly) unique id by which it can be referenced, and its specific elements targeted. Each page is also given a class: public, admin, invoice, roster or error. (Some of the admin pages also have the class rest) These tags divide the pages into groups based on who is supposed to see them. This allows for separate styles for pages that HST families are supposed to see, vs pages for administrative use.


The HST logo appears at the top of every page. It has the CSS class logo and can be targeted, styled or hidden on certain pages.

Close Button

A Close button has been added to the bottom of every page which will close the window. Note that this button only works if the window was opened with the JavaScript command window.open("families.hstonline.org"). If the window was opened some other way, the button will act as a hyperlink and redirect the user to hstonline.org. This button has the CSS class close and can be targeted, styled or hidden on certain pages.


This website contains 7 apps (located in the apps folder) which handle different functionalities of the site. They are alphabetically:

main handles the static files and development views.

payment handles invoices, tuition payments, and anything else having to do with money.

people handles the students, families and faculty, as well as new family sign up.

program handles the HST curriculum, including courses, enrollments and student eligibility. (This app is unrelated to the printed program handed out at shows to audience members, and the name of the app may be changed if desired.)

radmin handles administrative tasks such as invoice processing, audition results and course creation. It would have been called admin but that clashes with the Django backend. Besides we're rad enough, aren't we?

reports handles the printable course rosters and any other printed reports. New reports can be added very quickly

rest is a slightly buggy backend database interface. This app handles the pages that tech support would be looking at when helping customers.

Low-Priority Apps

These apps are not necessary for the May signup blitz, and theoretically could be built over the summer. (However, I probably can also have them ready before the 2018 shows if needed:

shows would handle scene conflicts, and anything else related only to the shows.

volunteer would handle volunteer jobs, signup, hours, teams, captains, skills and anything else related to volunteers.

Proposed Apps

vs: Variety Show

sa: Silent Auction

ths: Honor Society

tickets: Ticket sales (were we to decide to go that route)

App Structure


Each Model class declaration defines attributes and methods in the following order:

An exception is made for methods whose primary purpose is to assist other methods. These are defined immediately after the methods they assist, regardless of the above order.

Methods which serve only to call methods on other objects should be used rarely.




main app

payment app

people app

program app

HST Class Traditions

All HST classes are referred to as "courses" in the internal code of the site, to avoid clashing with the Python reserved word class. Since HST generally runs the same courses every year, there are 2 types of course objects that the database uses. There are the actual Course objects, which represent a given course in a given year (e.g. the 2013 Gaithersburg Troupe, or the 2018 Jazz 3 class) and there are course "tradition" or CourseTrad objects which represent the courses HST offers every year as timeless entities (e.g. Gaithersburg Troupe or Jazz 3). There are 32 courses HST traditionally offers, plus 1 "General Audition." They are listed below.

In addition to these "enrollable" courses, Showcase Finale Groups, Acting Scenes, historical courses, prepaid tickets, and other entities may be represented as CourseTrad objects. These non-enrollable courses are kept in the same table, and are distinguished from the enrollable courses using the boolean e attribute. (See models)

Each CourseTrad object has a 2-character ID, with the first letter indicating the genre or type of course, and the second indicating the course level or some other identifying characteristic. The yearly Course objects have 4-character ID's: the last two digits of the year, followed by the 2-character CourseTrad ID. The first letters of the CourseTrad ID's (and by extention, the 3rd character of the Course ID's) are as follows:

Antimony Protocol

HST produces 6 shows per year (7 including the Variety Show). Each of these shows already has one or more 2-letter abbreviations: VS or SA for the Variety Show/Silent Auction, TT or CH for the Travel Troupe Coffee House (or AI for Acting Intensive), SC for Showcase, GB for Gaithersburg Troupe, SH for Shakespeare Troupe, JR for Junior Troupe, and SR for Senior Troupe. Of these, 4 out of 7 have an abbreviation that starts with S (SA, SC, SH and SR). It just so happens that these four shows are performed in alphabetical order of these abbreviations.

Furthermore, if the two younger troupes' ID's (GB and JR) were changed to an S followed by the first letter of the troupe name, they would become SG and SJ, which would still be alpha-chronological (SA, SC, SG, SH, SJ, SR). The only exception is Travel Troupe which falls between the Silent Auction and Showcase. The only option for this course that maintains the order is SB, which happens to be the symbol for the chemical element Antimony, which everyone knows is Travel Troupe's favorite periodic element! Right?

Anyway, by default, objects are always sorted by alphabetical order of their ID's, so having this order actually mean something is very helpful. Also, for many internal functions, (particularly Eligex) it is necessary to be able to distinguish different types of courses from their ID's alone, so having all troupe ID's begin with S is helpful here as well.

The one disadvantage of the so-called "Antimony Protocol" is that it's confusing since we've been using JR and GB for so long. This problem is solved with CourseTrad "aliasing". In addition to the enrollable and non-enrollable courses, there are also 5 alias objects in the CourseTrad table. These objects are called with the old non-Antimony abbreviation, but return the proper CourseTrad anyway. This means that you may use the Antimony or non-Antimony ID's, and you will still get the desired course. (This logic is performed at the ModelManager level, so it works in almost all contexts.)

Enrollable Courses

ID Title Ages Grades Eligex Notes
AA Acting A 9 - 11 a 1
AB Acting B 12 - 18 a 1
C1 Broadway Choir 10 - 18 a f 2, 14
C2 A Cappella Choir 14 - 18 a c @ 4, 14
J1 Jazz 1 9 - 12 < a { ay @ } > 5
J2 Jazz 2 11 - 12 a < J2p { @ J1p } > 6
J3 Jazz 3 14 - 18 a < J3p { @ J2p } { @ Z2p } > 7
J4 Jazz 4 16 - 18 a < J4p { @ J3p } > 6
Z1 Broadway Jazz 1 13 - 18 a 1, 15
Z2 Broadway Jazz 2 13 - 18 a @ 3, 15
T1 Tap 1 9 - 12 a 1
T2 Tap 2 11 - 12 a < T2p { @ T1p } > 6
T3 Tap 3 14 - 18 a < T3p { @ T2p } { @ P2p } > 7
T4 Tap 4 16 - 18 a < T4p { @ T3p } > 6
P1 Broadway Tap 1 13 - 18 a 1, 15
P2 Broadway Tap 2 13 - 18 a @ 3, 15
IS Irish Dance Soft Shoe 9 - 18 a 1
IH Irish Dance Hard Shoe 11 - 18 a < I*p T*p P*p > 8
HB Boys Jazz & Hip-Hop 9 - 12 a m 2
HJ Jazz & Hip-Hop 13 - 18 a 1
SG Gaithersburg Troupe 10 - 13 4 - 8 a g A*p S*p @ 9
SJ Junior Troupe 10 - 13 4 - 8 a g A*p S*p @ 9
SB Travel Troupe 14 - 18 a A*p 11
SH Shakespeare Troupe 14 - 18 9 - 12 a g A*p @ 12
SR Senior Troupe 14 - 18 9 - 12 a g A*p @ 12
WN Painting Workshop 14 - 18 a 1
WP Prop Workshop 14 - 18 a 1
WW Wig Workshop 14 - 18 a 1
WX Tech Crew Workshop 12 - 18 a 1
XA Tech Apps 12 - 18 a 1
XM Makeup Team 14 - 18 a 1
XX Tech Team 12 - 18 a WX 13
GA JR/GB General Audition 10 - 13 4 - 8 a g A*p !S*p @ 10
  1. Students need only meet age requirements for Acting classes, Level 1 Tap, Broadway Tap or Broadway Jazz classes, Irish Soft Shoe, Co-ed Jazz & Hip-Hop, Workshops, Tech Apps, or Makeup Team.
  2. Students must meet age requirements, and be a girl or boy to be in Broadway Choir or Boy's Jazz & Hip-Hop respectively.
  3. Students must meet age requirements, and pass an audition or skill assessment for Level 2 Broadway Tap and Jazz classes.
  4. Students must meet age requirements, and be enrolled in at least 1 other class concurrently in order to audition for A Capella Choir.
  5. Students who meet age requirements may enroll in Jazz 1 immediately, but students who are 1 year too young may still audition.
  6. All students must meet age requirements. Students who have already taken this class may enroll immediately. Students who have taken the class 1 level below in the same genre may enroll if they pass an audition.
  7. Same as note 6, but previous enrollment in the preceding class's Broadway counterpart is also accepted.
  8. Students must meet age requirements, and have taken any Tap, Broadway Tap, or Irish class in the past.
  9. Students who meet age and grade requirements, have taken an acting class, and have already been in a troupe, may audition directly for Junior or Gaithersburg Troupe.
  10. Students who meet age and grade requirements, and have taken an acting class, but have not been a troupe, may audition jointly for both Junior and Gaithersburg Troupe.
  11. Students who meet age requirements, and have taken an Acting class, may enroll in Travel Troupe with no audition necessary.
  12. Students who meet age and grade requirements, and have taken an acting class, may audition for Senior or Shakespeare Troupes.
  13. Students who meet the age requirements and have taken the Tech Crew Workshop (either this year or in the past) may sign up for the Tech Team.
  14. The younger choir begins with B and the older choir begins with A, so to avoid the counterintuitive situation of having each choir's name begin with the letter from the code of the other choir, the numbers 1 and 2 are used instead.
  15. "Broadway" dance courses use the last letter of the genre, taP and jazZ. Another option would be to use the first letter, but use A and B for levels 1 and 2 respectively. There are pros and cons to both options which we can discuss.

Non-Enrollable Courses

ACActing CombinedUsed for Showcase conflict checking
A0Scene #0 (rarely used)Showcase Acting Scenes
A1Scene #1
A2Scene #2
A3Scene #3
A4Scene #4
A5Scene #5
A6Scene #6
A7Scene #7
A8Scene #8
A9Scene #9 (rarely used)
FNShowcase FinaleAll Showcase students in Finale
F0Showcase Finale SeniorsIndividual Finale groups
F1Showcase Finale Group #1
F2Showcase Finale Group #2
F3Showcase Finale Group #3
F4Showcase Finale Group #4
F5Showcase Finale Group #5
F6Showcase Finale Group #6
F7Showcase Finale Group #7
F8Showcase Finale Group #8
F9Showcase Finale Group #9
FXShowcase Finale Group #10 (Roman Numeral X)
FYShowcase Finale Group #11
FZShowcase Finale Group #12
KB10 Prepaid Tickets to Coffee HousePrepaid Tickets
KC10 Prepaid Tickets to Showcase
KG10 Prepaid Tickets to Gaithersburg Troupe
KH10 Prepaid Tickets to Shakespeare Troupe
KJ10 Prepaid Tickets to Junior Troupe
KR10 Prepaid Tickets to Senior Troupe
DIDance Intensive
LNInterpretive Sign Language
O1Overture 1
O2Overture 2
GBGBSG (Gaithersburg Troupe)Aliases
JRJRSJ (Junior Troupe)
TTTTSB (Travel Troupe)
CHCHSB (Coffee House)
AIAISB (Acting Intensive)


This web application can automatically determine whether a given student is eligible for a given course in a given year. However, due to the complicated nature of the eligibility requirements for many of HST's classes, it was necessary to develop an expression language to determine eligibility of students. "Eligibility Expressions" (or Eligex) is a language in which any requirements and prerequisites for an HST class can be written and will be understood by the server. It also enables requirements to be written for future classes HST may offer, or to modify the requirements for existing classes, without rewriting the internal code of the website. It may look daunting, but it's really just boolean algebra (True and False statements).

A line of Eligex is case-sensitive and contains one or more "words" (separated by spaces) which are converted into True or False values. Unless trackets (< >) are used, these values will be compiled conjunctively, or AND'ed. That is to say, if any of the words is False, the expression will return False, and the student will not be eligible for the class. Only if all the words are True, will the expression return True and the student will be eligible for the class.

Single-Letter Words

Note: Letters with special meanings are lowercase to avoid clashing with ID's of specific courses, represented by CAPITAL letters.

Glyph Meaning
# Always returns True. (Mostly used for classes with no prerequisites)
~ Always returns False. (Mostly used for classes that are no longer offered)
a Returns whether the student meets the listed age requirement.
g Returns whether the student meets the listed grade requirement. (Always returns True if student does not have a grad_year listed. Almost always returns True since most courses are for grades 1-12)
m Male: returns True for boys and False for girls
f Female: returns True for girls and False for boys
@ Returns True if student has completed a successful audition or skill assessment for this class. Returns False otherwise

Single-Letter Modifiers

Glyph Meaning
y Younger: may be appended to a or g to relax the minimum age or grade requirement by one year for each appended glyph (E. g., If a class is for ages 9-12, ayy will return True for 7-12 year olds and False otherwise)
o Older: just like y but relaxes the maximum age or grade requirement
e Limits query to only courses whose tradition's e variable is true, meaning the course will appear in Shopping Cart
u Limits query to only courses whose tradition's m variable is true, meaning the course will appear on Course Menu.

Enrollment Search

To require that a student have taken one HST class in order to be eligible for another, the two-letter CourseTrad ID of the prerequired course may be used as an Eligex word (E. g., J2 will return True for students who are now, or have ever been, enrolled in a Jazz 2 class). The glyph * may be substituted for either character in the ID, and will match any character. E. g., *4 will match any Level 4 class and T* will match any Tap class (Note: under the current system, T* will not match Broadway Tap classes, as these begin with P. Likewise, J* will match Jazz classes, but not Broadway Jazz classes which are matched with Z*. See note 15)

To further refine these searches, the following modifiers may be appended after the class's ID:

Glyph Meaning
/ Will match enrollments in previous years. (If omitted, will match only current year)
$ Will match only enrollments for which tuition has been paid
+ Will match enrollments by anyone in student's family

Note: Formerly, a tradition ID by itself would match enrollments in current or past years. Since commit ___, this now only matches enrollments in the current year. To match a course in current or past years, use boolean operators

Desired Result Old New
Match Jazz 2 this year J2c J2
Match Acting B in a previous year ABp AB/
Match Tech Workshop this year or previous years WX < WX WX/ >
Match any course this year c **

A student is considered eligible to audition for a course if they would be eligible to enroll in it, if they had passed an audition.

Boolean Operators

Eligex is compiled conjunctively by default. All words in an expression must be True for the expression to return True. To modify this, use the following symbols:

Glyph Meaning
< > Words within trackets will be evaluated disjunctively, or OR'ed. The compiler will first evaluate the expression within the trackets to see if any of them are true, and if so the entire tracketed expression will be treated as a single True value in the outer expression. If all of the enclosed words evaluate as False, the tracketed expression will be evaluated as a single False value.
{ } Braces are evaluated just like trackets, but words within them are AND'ed. These are useful for nesting inside of trackets (AND within an OR within the default AND).
! Not: May be appended before a word to return the opposite value.

Note that enclosing symbols may not be nested within symbols of the same type. a < J2p { @ < J1p Z1p > } > is an invalid expression because it contains trackets within trackets. The expression a < J2p { @ J1p } { @ Z1p } > should be used instead, with the @ distributed.


The relationship between the Student table and the Course table is many-to-many with an Enrollment table serving as the intermediate table. Each Enrollment object contains ForeignKey links to the Student and Course, standard information about when the object was created and updated, as well as the Enrollment's status. The status field is an 8-character CharField that (currently) can have one of 24 values:

Status Appearance Note
-------- invisible Default status, should not exist
enrolled Green Student is enrolled and paid
eligible Bold on White Student is currently eligible
invoiced Orange Enrollment is on an unpaid invoice
need_pay Yellow Enrollment has been added to cart
not_elig Dark Gray Student is not eligible
aud_need Blue on White Student is eligible for an Audition or Skill Assessment
aud_pend Blue Student has scheduled an Audition or Skill Assessment
pendpass Blue Deprecated: Teacher says student passed audition, but E.D. has not yet approved
pendfail Blue Deprecated: Teacher says student failed audition, but E.D. has not yet approved
pend_pub Blue Deprecated: Public-facing status for pendpass and pendfail
fail_pub Dark Gray Public-facing status for failed audition, no title text
aud_pass Yellow Student has passed Audition or Skill Assessment
aud_fail Dark Gray Student did not pass Audition or Skill Assessment
aud_drop Bold on White Student passed the Audition and then dropped course, but may re-enroll
aud_lock Gold Not in Use: Student has passed the Audition and must enroll
conflict Red-Gray Student is in another class at the same time
need_cur Light Gray Student will be eligible once they enroll in at least 1 other class
needboth Light Gray Student will be eligible to audition once they enroll in at least 1 other class
nonexist invisible Enrollment was added to invoice, and invoice was cancelled
nopolicy Light Gray Family has not yet accepted current HST Policy Agreement
clasfull Dark Gray The number of enrollments in this class meets or exceeds the class's capacity
maydefer Yellow Prepaid Tickets: This item may be deferred until Fall Parent Meeting
deferred Purple Prepaid Tickets: This item has been deferred until Fall Parent Meeting

radmin app

Invoice Check Acceptance

Audition Results

New Year

reports app

Master Enrollment Report

Links to rest framework.

Class Rosters

rest app

A search bar has been added to the REST framework. This search bar is case-sensitive. A future commit will change this.

Also, if the search query contains the word "in", with a space on both sides, a search will be performed for Students matching the string to the left of "in" and another for Courses matching the string to the right of "in". Finally, a list of enrollments for any of these students in any of these courses will be returned.

For example, searching for Elkan in Troupe will return any enrollments by students matching Elkan in courses matching Troupe.

Development Features

Hot Code


