Wolfmade / insidebotcc

InsideTheAsylum's classic bot revised
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InsideTheAsylum's classic bot updated to work with ClassiCube

Description copy-pasted, originally written by InsideTheAsylum for MinecraftForum.net

Things the bot can do


You need to have the following installed on your computer:

Once you have all of those installed, you can lunch the bot from the command line. Just follow the onscreen directions.

Configuring the bot:

Limiting who can use the bot: Create a users.txt file in the same directory as the script with the name of one allowed user per line. If the users.txt file does not exist, then anyone can use the bot. If it exists, then only the people named can use the bot.

Configuring some bot settings: Open up the bot.py file with notepad and then at the very top, where it says 'User Configuration Section', you can edit some variables. Each variable has a little blurb next to it as to what it does. Do not change anything under the user configuration section part. I won't help you if you do.