Wolfsblvt / BlossomsPokemonGoManager

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Naming Movesets #382

Open Klemze opened 8 years ago

Klemze commented 8 years ago

With the arrival of unicode with enclosed numbers to display IV, only take up 3 chars so you can actually make a meaningful abbrevation of the moveset that is somewhat readable.

Max chars available for name : 12


Unicode bubbles for IV, using up 3 chars : ⓯⓭⓫

If Move 1 is 1 word, Use first 2 letters : Em(ber), Bi(te), Sp(ark) If Move 1 is 2 words, Use first letter of each word in caps : FB(Frost Breath), QA(Quick Attack)

one char for a separator, for example / or -

If Move 2 is 1 word, Use first 6 chars : Earthq(uake), Blizza(rd), Dig If Move 2 is 2 words, Use first letter of each word in caps, and 4 more letters of last word : APower(Ancient Power), BSlam(Body Slam), DGleam(Dazzling Gleam)

Example names:

Snorlax = ⓯⓭⓫Li/HBeam Snorlax = ⓯⓫⓭ZH/Earthq Lapras = ⓭⓫⓯FB/Blizza

Or with dash as separator :

Dragonite = ⓫⓯⓭DB-DClaw Dragonite = ⓭⓫⓯SW-HBeam

And so on and so forth. Some names will look maybe not so elegant but i think it works well for the best movesets, easy to recognize and overall a good system.

Ps. I know some people like to use the shield / swords for defenders / attacker, which i think is excellent, but unfortunately those icons dont work in iOS. Heard some androids won't show them either. It is an addition i think is useful.

ISeeTanamon commented 8 years ago

Been trying to advocate this on Reddit and on Blossom's/Wolf's manager; Using the IV spread like that doesn't help too much since most people care about total percentage. You'd actually rather use 2 chars for IV rating than 3 for IV spread, since in the absolute long run, you care about the "best" anyway.

For the moveset, unless you're going to use that many Pokemon, there are bigger priorities. But, if not, most pokemon moves are easily memorized, or at least you'd prefer the typing to be the same for STAB (minus Snorlax since Earthquake is aite, but even in that sense, Hyper Beam and Body Slam are great / better anyway).

Your suggestion to code in words just... seems more complex (but applicable if you truly use anyone outside of Arcanine, Lapras, Snorlax, Executor, Vape, and Dragonite often).

A reminder that you should be Star'ing pokemon for the ones you want to attack anyway, so a sorting system on TOP of that, is to only Star pokemon you KNOW have the best optimal move given your type (so worrying about a Dragonite with Steel Wing wouldnt even be a problem since you wouldn't star him/her anyway).

2 cents. And explanation why this feature isn't exactly worth the possible coding effort.

Wolfsblvt commented 8 years ago

Renaming Patterns are scrollable now and I don't think it hurts to have more patterns than most people will use. That means everyone will find a fit for him/her (:

billyyao commented 8 years ago

I would also like to have such feature to name by move set. I have Exeggutors with:

Would be great to name it with moveset so I can easily pick them during gym fights Maybe 3 or 4 characters per move is fine as we need to distinguish Solar Beam / Seed Bomb Many thanks for your efforts

Klemze commented 8 years ago

The idea is to just make a set of rules that works for all moves. I think if you go in and make an abbrevation for each moveset you will get alot more work. As for Solar Beam and Seed Bomb, they are both charge moves and will look like this : SBomb, SBeam, so they will be distinguishable the way i thought it out, at least. It should not be very much programming, just text string adjustments.

Hydrargyrum-Wells commented 7 years ago

When possible, I like to use unicode characters to represent moves. For example, I use ☯ for Zen Headbutt.

Instead of calculating the abbreviations on-the-fly, there could be a config file that specifies the abbreviation for each move. Same goes for species: "Nidoking" could be "Nid♔".