Wolfsblvt / BlossomsPokemonGoManager

BlossomsPokemonGoManager is a tool for easy managing of your Pokémon Go game. Visit us at our Discord server to talk:
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java pokemon pokemon-go pokemongo tool

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BlossomsPokemonGoManager is a tool created for managing your game. It allows you to sort your Pokémon by several values, to rename, transfer, evolve or to power-up one or several of them.
It was made for easier management of Pokémon, deciding which to keep, and which to throw away.


Tool overview | Login | Omnisearch Bar (GIF) | Batch Operations (GIF) | Sorting (GIF)

Current Features

A lot more features are planned! Check Issue page for enhancements for an overview.
You can even submit your own suggestions.

Installation / Usage

Latest Stable Release

  1. You need at least Java 8 installed to run this tool. Verify your Java version here or download the latest Java JRE release and install it.
  2. Download the latest stable version of this tool from releases.
  3. Double-Click the extracted .jar file and run it.
  4. Log in with your credentials. PTC account directly, for Google follow the instructions and copy the session token.
  5. Enjoy the tool!

If the tool is not working under Linux/Ubuntu, try the following steps:

  1. Give execution right to the shell script: chmod +x RunOnUnixLikeSystems.sh
  2. Use Oracle JDK instead of Open JDK. (See issue #306 for more details)

Using the Dev Version

WARNING! This version might be unstable, so use at your own risk.

  1. Java SDK for Java 8 has to be installed.
  2. Clone the repository on the develop branch locally or download the ZIP of this branch.
  3. Build the project with either maven compiler, or your IDE of choice (Eclipse, IntelliJ) . To use it in an IDE, you have to import the project as a Maven project.
  4. Run it as an Application, with me.corriekay.pokegoutil.BlossomsPoGoManager as entry file.

(more detailed instruction will follow)

Working on this project


We are open for any help on our tool.
If you are fond of programming, you can always take one of the open issues, post that you want to help and create a Pull Request. For other features PRs are welcome too, but make sure the feature is really needed and/or not done in another way so that the work isn't wasted.

IMPORTANT! Please submit Pull Requests only against develop! PRs against master will be rejected.

Thanks for your help.

Submitting Issues

That's the best way how you can help us.
If you found a bug, submit an issue. If you have a suggestion, submit an issue. Just make sure, BEFORE SUBMITTING, that the issue wasn't already mentioned. Search on the issue tracker helps there. Just one thing: Please try to not group too many bugs/suggestions in one issue It's better to have ten more issues where it's clear what there is inside than to have one big blob. So don't hesitate to create more than one issue.

If you have Bugs, please be as detailed as possible.
Write down the steps that led to the error. Describe what happened, and what you would've expected. If there is an Error written somehwere, post the full code in your issue. If you want, include a screenshot. And if it's a bug with the development version, specifiy that right at the beginning of your issue.


While we are fairly positive that this tool will not get your account into any trouble, please use at your own risk. There are no direct statements from Niantic what third-party tools are allowed and what not, but it might go against their ToS.


We use discord to organize our development and answer questions. We also post important announcements there.
Our discord can be found here


General Questions

Q: Can I get banned for using this tool?

Q: Can you add catching of Pokémon and using PokéStops?

Q: Can you include feature XY?

Q: What's those RunOnXXXXXX bat and sh files for?


Q: The app doesn't start. It tells me Could not find or load main class ...?

Q: After login no window shows up, or the window is empty. No error is displayed.

Q: When I try to login it shows an error with AsyncPokemonGoException and that I should try again. What should I do?

Q: On startup it shows NullPointerException and in the stacktrace there is something about writing files or such. What's happening?

Q: Java 8 is not available for my linux system. What do I do?

Q: Google OAuth Token does not work. How do I use the App password thing?

Questions about functions

Q: Is the IV calculated somehow? Is it the correct value or maybe wrong? My IV calculator says something different.

Q: What is this alternative IV calculation mode? What does it do?

Q: Those Gym Offense, Gym Defense and Duel Ability columns. I don't understand them. What's that?

Q: I heard I can use the Paid Hash Key service with your tool so that I have the latest cracked API. How?