Wolfsblvt / BlossomsPokemonGoManager

BlossomsPokemonGoManager is a tool for easy managing of your Pokémon Go game. Visit us at our Discord server to talk:
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AsyncPokemonGoException error #578

Open Flickerwisp opened 7 years ago

Flickerwisp commented 7 years ago


I am no longer able to login. When I start PokemonGoManager, I get an error and am unable to login.

I was able to use version 1.7 before but when I tried today it no longer seems to work. I have tried to retry many times today at different times but no luck.

Cassolotl commented 7 years ago

Same here.

There were some other bug reports there about this error that I was subscribed to, that were recently marked wontfix and closed, with an explanation that I didn't understand. Does this mean the manager will no longer be fixed and updated?

PolyglotOpenstreetmap commented 7 years ago

Use of third party software to manage your Pokémon started causing problems since about a week. The best course of action would be to simply stop playing, but since we're addicted and they got us hooked , that's not an option, of course.

Maybe we can start a petition? (not that it would change anything whatsoever).

Anyway, I had a black warning on one account from the first day and I didn't get why there wasn't one on my child's account. But they picked up the slack. Maybe they analysed the higher level accounts first?

If you want to risk getting your account banned, you can start doing monthly payments to get some sort of hash key.

Or you can do like I do, and play a lot less, throw away mostly everything you catch and simply grind for stardust. I might also finally be able to kick the habit and drop this silly time sink of a game.

Flickerwisp commented 7 years ago

So in other words it's no longer supported? That's a shame, I don't think there is any other software that can manage your Pokemon like you can here. It's going to suck doing everything manually again.

plebicidal commented 7 years ago

Also getting this issue :(

Palindine commented 7 years ago

I'm having this issue as well. i understand that it has been mentioned as a known issue, and that retrying a couple more times should work. asyncexception This though does seem to be a little over the top in terms of being a minor issue. Also i tried this on my main account as well as my PTC accounts. In total, I believe that across my 5 or 6 accounts that I attempted to log in over 100 times, before giving up. I've not been able to use this wonderful tool since the API chance occured

marcelohenrique commented 7 years ago

Are you using a hashkey? Since Niantic updated to version 0.57.4 login without hashkey is not working.

FernandoTBarros commented 7 years ago

Yes, it is supported but not with the free API anymore. You should buy a hashkey (not related to us) and configure it in config.json file. Head to discord channel in order to get more updated and live help.

FernandoTBarros commented 7 years ago

Duplicate #579, #576, #575

I will keep this open in order to help other that might come with the same doubt.

just-Addict commented 7 years ago

@Flickerwisp , @Cassolotl , @PolyglotOpenstreetmap , @plebicidal , @Palindine , @marcelohenrique and anyone else reading this issue.

BPGM is still supported, that's the good news. The bad news is that Niantic disabled all of the older API access as of the latest game update 0.57.4. This effectively means that anyone who used BPGM without a hash key, used the legacy API login that was up till then still working. The current wave of black warning popups on entering the game are not just related to having used BPGM but to all tools (such as IV checkers) which in the past used the legacy API to login and retrieve details about your pokémon.

What this means is that currently the latest version posted here is no longer working. On the Discord server there is currently a hotfix-4 posted in the #announcements channel, but for the time being that version can only be used when you have acquired a hash key. Whether this is a temporary situation or a permanent one is as yet not clear.

One thing is sure, there is currently only one group that has managed to decrypt the new game API, and they are not willing to release any info on that OR provide access to it for free given the amount of time and effort they have to put in to do this whenever a new game update is released which again changes the encryption. Also, at least the last 2 or 3 versions of the game now require that with every request to their server, a hash value is provided which changes with each request. Why Niantic waited only until the last version to completely disable the old legacy API (which was used in BPGM and other tools to bypass the need for a hash key) I don't know, the latest wave of warning popups is likely no coincidence, but that is just my guess.

To calculate this hash value is a very CPU intensive process, which is why the guys who decrypted the API are charging a fee for a hash key (read license key) to use their service and why it is setup in tiers starting from 150 RPM (Requests Per Minute). BPGM itself will on average not use even a fraction of that but depending on what you do, like a massive rename or evolve, it can quickly use 20RPM or more. So the only bright side of this is that if you have friends who also use BPGM and want to keep using it, you only need to get 1 hash-key which you can share with your friends and so reduce the cost per person. It's not ideal but at least it can relieve the pain somewhat of having to pay some other serviceprovider in order to keep using BPGM.

Hopefully this explains the current situation and why you can currently only use BPGM with the mentioned hash key. All I can say is keep an eye on the Discord channel or check here every few days to see if there's a change in this situation.

Flickerwisp commented 7 years ago

Thanks for clearing things up. In that case is there a reputable site to obtain the hash key from? Also, is it a monthly recurring charge or a one-off? Will I need a new hash key when there is a new version released for PoGo?

just-Addict commented 7 years ago

There is only one site I think:

Intro - Mainly for developers FAQ - Prices are at bottom of the page and links to same pages as the below link Page with links to order pages for the different tiers

And yes it's a monthly recurring thing

FernandoTBarros commented 7 years ago

Great explanation @just-Addict , thanks for clarifying this! And no @Flickerwisp , you won't need a new hash key when a new version was released by Niantic. The whole "API Hashing service" thing is to only pay one time (per month) and make sure you will have all the updates necessary to keep communicating and trying to be "safety" with Niantic. "Safety" because we can't guarantee that Niantic has other methods to know we are outside of the app.

bartley69 commented 7 years ago

Link to the discord? Thanks.

just-Addict commented 7 years ago


Sure, here you go: the Discord can be found here

FYI: It's also mentioned on the front page of this github in the README

iorck commented 7 years ago

I just downloaded this tool and I have this same problem :(

just-Addict commented 7 years ago

@iorck did you read my comment further up in this issue? And the one above you in case you got the version posted here?

just-Addict commented 7 years ago

HEADS UP! Recent actions on the side of Niantic has made it near impossible for BPGM to stay under the radar. Continued use will almost certainly get your account flagged and result in a shadowban.


Also, the main contributor has indicated his priorities have shifted away from the game and as a result from BPGM. Combined with Niantic's attitude and actions towards anyone using an IV checker that accesses the server through using your account details it is at this point very uncertain if there ever will be a new release.