WolfyScript / dev-tools

Tools that make it easier to build and test minecraft plugins. So far it includes a docker-run and minecraft server gradle plugin
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The plugins are published to a private repository that you need to add to the plugin repositories.


pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // ... (other repos)

Docker Run Gradle Plugin

Inspired by docker-run module in palantir/gradle-docker, but with a slightly different behaviour.
It allows you to create custom independent tasks with different configurations instead of just having a single configuration available.
One extension that can be used to specify default values for all custom tasks.

Add the plugin dependency to the build.gradle.kts

plugins {
    id("com.wolfyscript.devtools.docker.run") version ("2.0-SNAPSHOT")

Use the extension to configure the container to run, or specify defaults for custom tasks

dockerRun {
    clean.set(true) // create a temporary server container
    env(buildMap {
        this["TYPE"] = "SPIGOT"
        this["VERSION"] = "1.20.1"
    arguments.set(setOf("-it")) // Allow for console interactivity with 'docker attach'

Creating custom tasks

Simply create a new task of the given type.
Then apply the defaults if necessary, or not to create an independent task.

target.task<DockerStopTask>("container_stop") {
    applyExtension(extensions.getByName<DockerRunExtension>("dockerRun")) // Apply defaults
    name.set("${name.get()}_$serverName") // overrides default

target.task<DockerRunTask>("container_run") {
    applyExtension(extensions.getByName<DockerRunExtension>("dockerRun")) // Apply defaults
    name.set("${name.get()}_$serverName") // overrides default

Use custom extensions

val defaultCustomExt = target.extensions.create<DockerRunExtension>("customDockerRun").apply {
    // Configuration 

target.task<DockerStopTask>("container_stop") {
    applyExtension(defaultCustomExt) // Apply defaults

target.task<DockerRunTask>("container_run") {

Minecraft Servers Gradle Plugin

This plugin uses the docker run plugin to run minecraft servers via gradle tasks inside of docker containers. It uses the itzg/minecraft-server image, and can be freely configured for different server types.

Add the plugin dependency to the build.gradle.kts

plugins {
    id("com.wolfyscript.devtools.docker.minecraft_servers") version ("2.0-SNAPSHOT")

The plugin can then be configured using the minecraftServers extension. Some properties like the serversDir, libName, libDir are used as defaults for the specified servers in servers.

Each server entry in servers needs a unique name, that is used for the directory, container, and task.
A custom directory can be specified via serverDir, that will be used instead of the default one.
The same applies to libName and libDir, which also override the defaults.
version = the minecraft version of the server (See image docs)
type = the type of the server (See image docs)
ports = a list of ports to publish and map from container to host

minecraftServers {
    servers {
        register("spigot_1_17") {