Wolvan / PicartoChatBot

An extendable chat bot for PicartoTV
8 stars 3 forks source link

# PicartoTV Chat Bot

An extendable bot for your Picarto Chat


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Wolvan/PicartoChatBot npm version


This is an extendable bot for Picarto.TV chats. By itself it does nothing, that's where Plugins come in handy. Drop plugin files into the /plugins directory, load them from the bot console (or by restarting completely) and enjoy it's functionality.


Install the bot

from npm (globally)

  1. Install NodeJS with npm
  2. Use npm install -g picarto-chat-bot from a command prompt or terminal
  3. Install Plugins
  4. Run it with picarto-bot [-n|-c|-t|-p|-u|--help]
  5. Use the help command for a list of commands when the bot is running

from GitHub (locally)

  1. Clone this repository or download the source as .zip file
  2. Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the folder you cloned the repository to
  3. Run npm install from a command prompt or terminal
  4. Install Plugins
  5. Run the bot with node app.js picarto-bot [-n|-c|-t|-p|-u|--help]
  6. Use the help command for a list of commands when the bot is running

Install plugins

Plugin installation is easy! Download the file with the extension .pbot.js and put it in the /plugins directory of the bot. Load it by typing plugins enable <filename> or by restarting the bot.

For Developers

Want to write your own Plugin for the bot? That's great! Easiest is to check existing plugins on how they are written, but you can also check the Wiki of this repository, it should give all the information you should need. I'll also provide a plugin template which you can use. Make sure that your plugin has the file extension .pbot.js.

Wanna work on the bot itself? Go ahead and fork the repository, make your changes and open a Pull Request back into here!

Got any other questions? Join the Gitter Channel of the bot, I should be available there most of the time.