WolvenKit / Cyberpunk-Blender-add-on

The Cyberpunk add-on for Blender bridges complex game assets with Blender.
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Usability "Transfer Vertex Weights" #117

Closed manavortex closed 1 month ago

manavortex commented 3 months ago

Currently, the transfer works like this:

source_armature             target_armature             will have weights?
submesh_00_LOD_1            submesh_00_LOD_1            yes
submesh_01_LOD_1            submesh_01_LOD_1            yes
                            submesh_02_LOD_1            no

If I want submesh_02_LOD_1 to have weights, I need to duplicate submesh_00 or 01 in my source mesh and rename it to submesh_02, or nothing will happen. That is absolutely working as intended and Presto and I talked about it, but when I updated the wiki page, I noticed that this isn't made transparent by the UI and that it's bound to confuse the user.

IMO, it would be great it the "weight transfer" would have a "use submesh_00 for missing submeshes" checkbox that is enabled by default. If it's set to false, then weights will be transferred as they are now. If not, then submesh_00_LOD_1 will be used whenever something is missing from the source armature.