WolvenKit / Cyberpunk-Blender-add-on

The Cyberpunk add-on for Blender bridges complex game assets with Blender.
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Cyberpunk Blender Add-on

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The Cyberpunk IO Suite is part of the Cyberpunk 2077 modding toolchain, bridging the gap between WolvenKit and Blender.

You can find detailed documentation (and much else) on the Cyberpunk 2077 modding wiki.


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Tools and Shortcuts:

Hint: You can find more detailed documentation on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Wiki

Animation Tools Panel

Mesh Tools Panel

Collision Tools and Generator

Material Exports


1) Blender version 4.0 or higher is highly recommended
Blender versions below 3.6 will not work and users of these versions should update Blender before installing the plugin

2) WolvenKit version 8.13 or higher



NOTE: You can find step-by-step instructions on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Wiki.

1) Download the .ZIP file from the Releases section

2) Install the downloaded zip from Blender's preferences (Edit \ Preferences \ Add-ons \ Install...).

3) Be sure the add-on is enabled (filter the list of installed add-ons and ).

3) When installed Cyberpunk options should be available under File \ Import and File \ Export

Meshes and animations

Mesh Import

1) Export a mesh with materials from WolvenKit

2) Import it into Blender from the menu (File \ Import \ Cyberpunk GLTF) by selecting the exported glTF/glb file. Within the import options, choose the same texture format as the WolvenKit export. (PNG is default)

Mesh Export as GLB

1) Follow the steps above to import and edit your meshes. 2) Select the mesh you want to export 3) Navigate within Blender to **File \ Export \ Export Selection to GLB for Cyberpunk 4) Select the desired file path and name 5) Export

The plugin will automatically apply the correct settings to ensure your mesh imports back into WolvenKit for use with your mod.

Animation import

1) Export the animation from Wolvenkit. The default settings are fine.

2) Import it into Blender from the menu (File \ Import \ Cyberpunk GLTF) and select the exported glTF/glb file. You can ignore materials.

Animation export

1) Follow the community guides in order to import your anims to Blender and make the necessary edits 2) Select the armature that you want to export 3) Export it via menu (**File \ Export \ Export Selection to GLB for Cyberpunk) 4) Check the "Export as Photomode Pose" box 5) Select the desired file path and name 6) Export

The plugin will apply the correct settings to ensure your animation imports back into WolvenKit and is correct in game.

Entity Import

1) Export your .ent from Wolvenkit by running the correct script from Wolvenkit's script manager

2) Import the .ent.json from the menu (File \ Import \ Cyberpunk Entity).

Hint: You can enter the appearance you want in the import options, this requires the appearanceName from the entity appearances info. Enter ALL for all appearances.

Streaming Sector Import

1) Export your .streamingsector by running the correct script from Wolvenkit's script manager.

2) Import the .cpmodproj from the menu (File \ Import \ Cyberpunk StreamingSectors). All sector file jsons found in the project raw folders will be imported.

Streaming Sector Export

To export changes in streaming sectors, you have to run a Python script as of version 1.5.1. Detailed documentation can be found on the wiki.


Anybody is welcome contribute to the Cyberpunk Blender Add-on by opening a pull request with this repository. If you're interested in chatting or getting involved with the project please consider reaching out to us on our Discord, Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Community.

About the add-on

This add-on was originally created by @HitmanHimself as CP77research as one of multiple projects to study and reverse-engineer elements of Cyberpunk 2077. It was originally based on @Turk645's research and implementation.

As of 2023, it is now maintained by the RED Modding GitHub community to continue support and centralize development.