Wonderfall / docker-nextcloud

All-in-one Nextcloud Docker image, based on Alpine Linux. Aims at being simple and hardened.
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Migrating / upgrading from versions older than 19th #95

Closed Sullson closed 2 years ago

Sullson commented 2 years ago

Hey team,

I am working out a plan to migrate to new versions from wonderfall nextcloud of versions 12 and 14 to newest ones - the biggest issue lies in upgrading the database properly.

At first I was thinking about doing an upgrade using major releases, but I cannot locate images of wonderfall/nextcloud lower than 21st. Is there an archive containing those somewhere - meaning from 12th all the way to 21st?

Otherwise I found install scripts of local installations and was thinking of installing version 12, attaching existing database I have in docker container, upgrading it and reusing with new deployment and newest version - lots of work though, could use those depricated images.

Kind regards, Michal

Sullson commented 2 years ago

Ok I actually found similar question to mine. I will try building the images myself using NEXTCLOUD_VERSION argument and going step by step. As an example:

docker build -t wonderfall/nextcloud:19 -f Dockerfile.20 --build-arg NEXTCLOUD_VERSION=19.0.10 .

Sullson commented 2 years ago

So the earliest version I was upgrading from was 12 beta 3 so quite old... nevertheless I was able to create all necessary images - from 13th to 22nd (too tired to go with 23 for now, also did not yet migrate to official image due to some issues).

I recomend modifying the Dockerfile in a way so that:

Then I just followed theese steps: