Wonderfall / docker-nextcloud

All-in-one Nextcloud Docker image, based on Alpine Linux. Aims at being simple and hardened.
194 stars 93 forks source link
alpine docker nextcloud


⚠️ This image is OBSOLETE. If you're still using this, you should upgrade your server as soon as possible to apply security fixes. You can migrate to another image, or make your own based on this repository. Thanks for sticking by all these years!

The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control.


This non-official image is intended as an all-in-one (as in monolithic) Nextcloud production image. If you're not sure you want this image, you should probably use the official image. The main goal is to provide an easy-to-use image with decent security standards.

Check out Nextcloud official website and source code.


You're free to make your own image based on this one if you want a specific feature. Uncommon features won't be included as they can increase attack surface: this image intends to stay minimal, but functional enough to cover basic needs.


Don't run random images from random dudes on the Internet. Ideally, you want to maintain and build it yourself.

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=true cosign verify ghcr.io/wonderfall/nextcloud

Verifying the signature isn't a requirement, and might not be as seamless as using Docker Content Trust (which is not supported by GitHub's OCI registry). However, it's strongly recommended to do so in a sensitive environment to ensure the authenticity of the images and further limit the risk of supply chain attacks.


You can always have a glance here. Only the latest stable version will be maintained by myself.

Note: automated builds only target linux/amd64 (x86_64). There is no technical reason preventing the image to be built for arm64 (in fact you can build it yourself), but GitHub Actions runners are limited in memory, and this limit makes it currently impossible to target both platforms.

Build-time variables

Variable Description Default
NEXTCLOUD_VERSION version of Nextcloud *
ALPINE_VERSION version of Alpine Linux *
PHP_VERSION version of PHP *
NGINX_VERSION version of nginx *
HARDENED_MALLOC_VERSION version of hardened_malloc *
SNUFFLEUPAGUS_VERSION version of Snuffleupagus (php ext) *
SHA256_SUM checksum of Nextcloud tarball (sha256) *
GPG_FINGERPRINT fingerprint of Nextcloud GPG key *
UID user id 1000
GID group id 1000
CONFIG_NATIVE native code for hardened_malloc false
VARIANT variant of hardened_malloc (see repo) light

* latest known available, likely to change regularly

For convenience they were put at the very top of the Dockerfile and their usage should be quite explicit if you intend to build this image yourself. If you intend to change NEXTCLOUD_VERSION, change SHA256_SUM accordingly.

Environment variables


Variable Description Default
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE file upload maximum size 10G
APC_SHM_SIZE apc shared memory size 128M
OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE opcache available memory 128M
MEMORY_LIMIT max php command mem usage 512M
CRON_PERIOD cron time interval (min.) 5m
CRON_MEMORY_LIMIT cron max memory usage 1G
DB_TYPE sqlite3, mysql, pgsql sqlite3
DOMAIN host domain localhost
PHP_HARDENING enables snuffleupagus true

Leave them at default if you're not sure what you're doing.


Variable Description
ADMIN_USER admin username
ADMIN_PASSWORD admin password
DB_TYPE sqlite3, mysql, pgsql
DB_NAME name of the database
DB_USER name of the database user
DB_PASSWORD password of the db user
DB_HOST database host

ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD are optional and mainly for niche purposes. Obviously, avoid clear text passwords. Once setup.sh has run for the first time, these variables can be removed. You should then edit /nextcloud/config/config.php directly if you want to change something in your configuration.

The usage of Docker secrets will be considered in the future, but config.php already covers quite a lot.


Variable Description
/data data files
/nextcloud/config config files
/nextcloud/apps2 3rd-party apps
/nextcloud/themes custom themes
/php/session PHP session files

Note: mounting /php/session isn't required but could be desirable in some circumstances.


Port Use
8888 (tcp) Nextcloud web

A reverse proxy like Traefik or Caddy can be used, and you should consider:


From now on you'll need to make sure all volumes have proper permissions. The default UID/GID is now 1000, so you'll need to build the image yourself if you want to change that, or you can just change the actual permissions of the volumes using chown -R 1000:1000. The flexibility provided by the legacy image came at some cost (performance & security), therefore this feature won't be provided anymore.

Other changes that should be reflected in your configuration files:

You should edit your docker-compose.yml and config.php accordingly.


To do.