Wordpress-Development / wordpress-widgets-bootstrapped

Markup / plugin to apply Bootstrap 3 styling to wordpress default widgets
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Wordpress Widgets Bootstrapped

Wordpress Widgets Bootstrapped is a Wordpress plugin that applies Bootstrap 3 html to the default wordpress widgets.

This plugin was developed for Wordpress sites looking to "Bootstrap" their Wordpress widgets. It's important to note that this plugin is EXPERIMENTAL and I have no guarantees it will work for you. It requires a Wordpress Bootstrap theme as well as Widget Output Filters to have any affect on your site.

How it Works

Quick start

  1. Download this plugin and upload it in your wordpress admin dashboard
  2. Activate a Bootstrap theme if you haven't already
  3. Activate Widget Output Filters when prompted
  4. Add any of the supported widgets to a registered sidebar.

Core Widgets Support

To see a screenshot of all the supported widgets click here. Alternative widget styling and filtering can be found in the resources folder. Just add those to the main plugin file.


Here are some recomended Bootstrap themes that this should work with:

If you're using genesis and want to use your own child theme you can get complete integration for Bootstrap with my other plugin that integrates this as well as all Bootstrap markup necessary for Genesis support.

Optionally visit the Bootstrap Live Customizer to download a custom version of Bootstrap for the above themes and then simply download it and enqueue it in your functions.php. If there is anoter version of bootstrap that you want to remove, see the examples in the wordpress-widgets-bootstrapped.php file.


I decided to put this into a plugin after seeing large number of requests for ths on Stackoverflow. I'm hoping eventually if enough people start contributing to Widget Output Filters that something like this will be added to core.

To contribute either open a pull request or join the conversation on the Widget Output Filters support forum where we are discussing new features for that plugin including the ability to apply filters on specific sidebars. Currently the only way to do this is by using a theme like Genesis that lets you add and remove the widget_output filter to specific action hooks. See this example on how to do that.

Full thanks to Philip Newcomber and his plugin that allows this plugin work!