World-Konkani-Centre / sushiksha-website

Official repo of Sushiksha website Repo built with Django with features of Basic CRUD operation, Ajax Calls, Profile picture Updation, Quiz section, User Analytics, Leaderboard, Slack API calls, Blog page. Feel free to Fork and contribute ;)
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 31 forks source link
bootstrap crud-application django hacktoberfest hactoberfest2021 world-konkani-centre


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Powered by Django.

Initiative by

Sushiksha Mentoring Program is organized for scholars of Vishwa Konkani Student Scholarship Fund (VKSSF) by members of VKSSF Alumni Association (VAA). Sushiksha was started in 2018 by Royal Denzil Sequeira, a member of VAA since 2015, with 20 mentees. Since then Sushiksha has grown to be family of 170 mentees and 20 mentors. Mentees of Sushiksha are undergraduate scholars of VKSSF who are determined to thrive and be successful in their area of study and career. Mentors of Sushiksha Program are experienced professionals who were once the scholars of VKSSF and have lived through their own share of successes and failures but believe in empowering the scholars early on in their career path.

Sushiksha thrives because of the dedication of its active mentees and mentors – who have contributed countless hours of work to shape their future and make it a highly productive and focused workspace.

VKSSF Alumni Association is a young and vibrant group of alumni VKSSF scholars who have successfully thrived through their undergraduate and graduate studies and are now on their path to be successful professionals.

VAA envisions a community that empowers all its people to live with dignity and fulfillment and be active contributors to society.

'Vishwa Konkani Student Scholarship Fund (VKSSF)’ envisages grant of Merit Cum Means Scholarship for students having Konkani language as their mother tongue. Instituted World Konkani Centre in the year 2010 as envisioned by the eminent thinker and corporate leader T.V.Mohandas Pai, the VKSSF has since then successfully grown into a large programme.

Table of Contents
  1. Contributing / Adding Features
  2. License


  1. Backend Framework: **Django**
  2. Front-end Framework: **Bootstrap**


  1. Fork and Clone

    1. Fork sushiksha-website the Repo
    2. Clone the repo to your computer.
  2. Create a Virtual Environment for the Project

    In Windows

    python -m venv venv

    In Ubuntu/MacOS

    python -m virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate

    If you are giving a different name then venv, then please mention it in .gitigonre first

  3. Install all the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Checkout to develop branch

    git status
    git pull
    git branch
    git checkout develop
  5. Change the config parameters (Optional, only if you want to enable mail sending functionality)

    SECRET_KEY = 'Enter random character string'
    EMAIL_USER = 'your email username'
    EMAIL_PASS = 'Enter you email password'
    SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN: "token here"

    comment line #45 (If you are using badge giving feature other leave as it is) of users/ (send_email.delay(array)) during development and uncomment before sending PR

  6. Make migrations/ Create db.sqlite3

    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  7. Create a super user. In django if you want to access admin page, you need to create an account first.

    python createsuperuser

    Then select your username and password.

  8. Run server

    python runserver
  9. Do the Development and send me a PR referencing the issue.


git checkout develop-<username>
//Create the changes and then commit
git add <filename>
git commit -m "<Message here>"

From your master branch or your main branch that you are working on, give a PR to our develop branch.

!IMPORTANT: Don't give a PR to the master branch


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. While sending the PR please mention the issue in the Comment.

Anyone can Contribute to the site, This repo is also part of Hactober fest, so changes ranging from small css changes to extra backend app is acceptable.

Feel free to open the discussion and Issues.


This repository is licensed under Apache License 2.0