World-human-Issue-cause-Association / -overview-

It contain a paper and paper is an app.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link


It contain a paper and paper is an app. -Nlp-aboutapp-linkwas crated for app in word paper to the file - html- frontend-/ -Nlp-paper- created link -name-file will generated by the link -/

file contain . html/ source-nlp

this app is your sights for knowing useful knowledge to your life , you can use it following links every link is a doorway for emence of knowledge that will boost to get going for we human. this app is crated on to one single "Paper" , you follow link and enter the lights web all-around be cautious to not known to link , it also can led to to lost because their is link gates which can take you to complex ways to in and out.

I wish you great luck for education journey . you will be found various other sources to be establish self image. you believe me I crate you " Image" for being as educated join yourself to education , I recommend education will lead you to identify world , human and life. let's go to journey - " Paper"./ /////___Page "1"./ my repository open thousands of knowledge. I am human.txt us the file from repository overview,

/<path-to-" I am human.txt>