WorldCereal / ewoc_l8

Pre processing of L8 data (SR and TIR)
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Landsat-8 EWoC ARD processor


This processor will:


  1. python3 -m venv .venv
  2. source .venv/bin/activate
  3. pip install pip -U
  4. pip install ewoc_dag-x.y.z.tar.gz available here
  5. pip install .

You can also pull the latest docker image from the EWoC harbour.


To download and upload data you need to configure some env variable from ewoc_dag as described here.

CLI Python

Run help command with:

ewoc_generate_l8_ard --help

Compute EWoC full (SR and TIR) ARD for a couple of L8 C2 L2 products:

ewoc_generate_l8_ard 31TCJ LC08_L2SP_199029_20211216_20211223_02_T1 LC08_L2SP_199030_20211216_20211223_02_T1

Compute EWoC TIR ARD for a couple of L8 C2 L2 products:

ewoc_generate_l8_ard --only-tir 31TCJ LC08_L2SP_199029_20211216_20211223_02_T1 LC08_L2SP_199030_20211216_20211223_02_T1

Compute EWoC SR ARD for a couple of L8 C2 L2 products:

ewoc_generate_l8_ard --only-sr 31TCJ LC08_L2SP_199029_20211216_20211223_02_T1 LC08_L2SP_199030_20211216_20211223_02_T1

Compute EWoC SR ARD mask for a couple of L8 C2 L2 products:

ewoc_generate_l8_ard --only-sr-mask 31TCJ LC08_L2SP_199029_20211216_20211223_02_T1 LC08_L2SP_199030_20211216_20211223_02_T1