WorldCereal / ewoc_s1_processor

EWoC Sentinel-1 processor
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EWoC Sentinel 1 processor docker image

Use EWoC Sentinel 1 processor docker image

Retrieve EWoC Sentinel-1 processor docker image

docker login -u ${harbor_username}
docker pull${tag_name}

Generate S1 ARD from S1 product ID

To run the generation of ARD from S1 product ID with upload of data, you need to pass to the docker image a file with some credentials with the option --env-file /path/to/env.file. This file contains the variables related to ewoc_dag and the following one EWOC_S1_DEM_DB=/opt/dem_tiles_cop.gpkg. For a test on aws, you need to set: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with our credentials and EWOC_CLOUD_PROVIDER=aws.

:warning: Adapt the tag_name to the right one


docker run --rm --env-file /local/path/to/env.file${tag_name} ewoc_generate_s1_ard -v --data-source aws --dem-source ewoc prd_ids 36TWR S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181102T153633_20181102T153700_024411_02ACA1_105A S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181102T153608_20181102T153633_024411_02ACA1_2B2C

If you are interested by the temporary data or if you want retrieve output data whitout upload you need to mount volume with the option -v / --volume and use the docker path in the command line.

:grey_exclamation: Please consult ewoc_s1 for more information on the ewoc_s1 CLI.

Build EWoC Sentinel 1 processor docker image

To build the docker you need to have the following private python packages close to the Dockerfile:

You can now run the following command to build the docker image:

docker build --build-arg EWOC_S1_DOCKER_VERSION=$(git describe) --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t ewocs1processing:$(git describe) "."

Advanced build

:warning: No guarantee on the results

You can pass the following version with --build-arg option to bypass encoded version:

Push EWoC Sentinel-1 processor docker image

To OVH Harbor

:warning: Push is done by github-actions! Use these commands only in specific case.

docker login -u ${harbor_username}
docker tag ewocs1processing:${tag_name}${tag_name}
docker push${tag_name}

Move from OVH Harbor to AWS ECR

aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker pull${tag_name}
docker tag${tag_name}${tag_name}
docker push${tag_name}